:D Aquamark 3 score - Intel Integrated Extreme Graphics :D

L0s7 4 Lyf3

Limp Gawd
Mar 3, 2004
Just benched my families comp in Aquamark 3, and behold the awesome power of Intel Integrated Graphics!!!!!!!!


Don't you wish you had that 6 years ago?!
hahahaha 2.35 graphics, i think your reality check just bounced. tho i am still running IGP on my laptop, 32 megs baby! i can run counterstrike on it, hahahaha, so harilous. but yeah, good luck with that man.
My comps down right now :( I only have a 250Watt DEER PSU laying around to get it up and running, unfortunately it doesn't supply enough amps on the +5V rail to keep my comp running :(.

I could install my Radeon 9700PRO in this comp, but it's a cheap Compaq and doesn't have an AGP slot, not to mention the PSU that was included is a POS too, 200W Hipro so it probably doesn't have enough juice to run my 9700PRO either :mad:
sucks when your stuff is broke......exploring the shallow end of the pool then becomes a morbid fascination...