Cutting Metal


Supreme [H]ardness
Oct 10, 2001
I need to cut APC rack rails because they are approx 1mm too long. And I also need to cut some metal to fill an empty power supply bay. I have a dremel, is this the best way?
I'm not sure what part of the rack rails you are cutting but if it's only a mm you could grind it down a little easier than trying to cut it. As far as the filler plate for the power supply, a dremel isn't a bad solution. I do feel that a jigsaw with a metal cutting blade may be a tad easier.
I've used a dremel with success in the past and find that the cutting bits perform a bit better than the grinding bits. Just make sure the case is empty when you do it and beware of flying pieces if your bit breaks!
If you only need to remove 1mm, the dremmel cutting wheels will be superb.

For large cuts in metal, especially steel; like your tray parts, I prefer a jigsaw or table band saw with a fine metal cutting blade.
So I picked up this craftsman tool, I really don't think a dremel would have cut it.... this small cut took about 10 minutes!


Ah I see what you mean by the dremel would cut it. That stuff is pretty thick. Cutting is probably the best route as trying to grind it would leave an uneven edge and also burn the metal.