Current 24-26" IPS displays? My 26" Planar died!


Sep 1, 2008
I just cracked the LCD of my awesome Planar PX2611w, and now it's basically trash. :(

So, time for a replacement. What are the current available IPS based monitors that are at least 24" or 26" 1920x1200? I know of the HP one that is still sold on newegg for a good price, but what else is there? Or should I just buy the HP 24" while it's less than 600 bucks. I'd actually prefer an S-IPS glossy over H-IPS, as it messed with my eyes, but I'll take if it I have to.
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The HP and the new u2410(dell).

There's probably some $2000 NEC one as well but those are the only ones I'm aware of.
The Dell looks good but I can't find where it can be purchased, not even on the Dell site.
I moved it from one desk to another and must have put too much pressure against the edge of it, and it cracked :(

Now I can't find a good replacement. Don't S-IPS or AS-IPS monitors exist anymore? Better yet, glossy ones? With that Planar H-IPS, the pixels did weird stuff with my eyes, like I'd see the blue/red subpixels actually make 'ghost images' near the white text. No other monitor has done that with my vision.
No, but I can't find one that isn't close to $800 shipped, and I want to see what alternatives there are.

I ordered the 24" HP LP2475, let's hope I don't get any of these issues like the green/pink thing. *nervous*
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If you want a glossy IPS monitor, you should have looked into the 24" LED Apple Cinema Display.
doesn't Planar have a 3 or 5 year warranty? I forget... granted you cracked the screen on your own, but wouldn't they offer some type of repair? Or am I just completely wrong?
In which case, I feel sad for the Planar :(
That won't work. You have to have a Displayport on your video card, and a DP to MiniDP adapter.

It annoys me to NO end that there still arent any miniDP to DVI adaptars out there. Admittedly it would be a pretty niche product but still. I would buy the 24" apple in a heartbeat if I could just hook it up to my PC.....

Grrr Apple....
It annoys me to NO end that there still arent any miniDP to DVI adaptars out there. Admittedly it would be a pretty niche product but still. I would buy the 24" apple in a heartbeat if I could just hook it up to my PC.....

Grrr Apple....

It would have to be a signal converter, and therefor have a processor on it, causing massive amounts of latencey and therefor lag. We just need more graphics adapters with Display Port native signals. Or for Apple to stop bieng ignorant and realize people other than Macbook owners would buy there monitor.