CSSource - The secks.

Circuitbreaker8 said:
Why would dusty stone reflect light? :eek:
Apparently Valve thinks it is cool. Farcry is really really shiny too. It is just a neat effect that is overused because they want you to see how cool their engine is. I think it is crap, at least D3 uses those effects correctly.
Rehevkor said:
I prefer games that actually trace the shot straight from the barrel of the gun and use realistic recoil. Thus you can fire a longer burst effectively, provided you can handle the recoil by dragging the mouse. I believe Operation Flashpoint uses this, as does the UT2004 mod Red Orchestra. It's a lot more fun, in my opinion.

The problem with that is: If you give guns a lot of recoil, the player's screen will jerk around so much they can't see WTF is going on. Imagine in CS firing the AK for a full clip, and the whole screen jumping left and right to keep centered on the crazy random 'recoil' angles of that gun. You'd be so dizzy...

A better solution is to have the crosshairs move around, not the whole screen. The GUN is supposed to recoil, not my face! :p If the crosshairs would point where the gun is pointing, and the screen just obeyed your mouse, the crosshairs could bouce around all they wanted.
I'm not talking about having it recoil like a frigging jackhammer :p That would be unrealistic. I also like the free-aim idea. Red Orchestra uses it for weapons when you aren't using ironsights, although RO doesn't have crosshairs. I think it would work pretty well in CS with crosshairs.
Rehevkor said:
I'm not sure if this is what he was trying to say, but it certainly applies. My problem with the guns in CS is that they use conefire; the trajectory of each shot is traced at a random angle from the barrel of the gun within a set spread, so shots don't usually fire on the crosshair. This is why you have to fire in 2 to 3 shot bursts; recoil + conefire throws shots all over hell.

I prefer games that actually trace the shot straight from the barrel of the gun and use realistic recoil. Thus you can fire a longer burst effectively, provided you can handle the recoil by dragging the mouse. I believe Operation Flashpoint uses this, as does the UT2004 mod Red Orchestra. It's a lot more fun, in my opinion.

you summed it up perfect man.
The AK's fire pattern is just way too damn erratic...sure the first round is accurate...but Im not gonna pause after each single round to drop 4+ guys rushing me, this is why after 1.2-1.3 I use the AK about....hmm maybe 1 round in about a weeks worth of play...for me its just been ruined
Rehevkor said:
I was just hoping for something new since I grew disenchanted with the old CS a long time ago. Oh well.

The Strike Force 2004 mod for UT2004 is looking pretty damn good. I'll get my tactical shooter fix when it comes out ;)

wow, strikeforce looks awesome, when is it coming out?! :eek:
Now that I've played CS:S, playing normal CS is like BLEH. :D

CS:S kicks ass. Graphics are top notch, and since it is beta.. there are a few things that need tweeking. All guns don't have a lot of recoil.. but the hitbox's are weird. I'm used to aiming at the head in normal CS to get a headshot.. now its like if you shoot at the chest around the bottom of the neck its a HS. But those are things they will fix in no time.

I just can't wait for the full version. Dust is awsome now.. I wanna see what they do with the other maps :D
Circuitbreaker8 said:
wow, strikeforce looks awesome, when is it coming out?! :eek:

Not sure. These guys are much like id about their release dates :) My guess is they'll release it for the last phase of the Make Something Unreal Contest. The deadline for it is September 10th.

Grab some of the trailers they have on that website if you haven't already. The gameplay looks pretty good.
So, reading through the thread, I'm seeing:

* People who like bullets tracked rather than 'cone of fire' random crap
* Good graphics impress
* Nobody likes cheaters
* At least token realism damage from bullets (or better)....

Ummmm....WTF is everyone still playing CS *anything*, then?

Dunno bout you guys, but I passed Middle School a LONG time ago and with it any interest in CS. I'm now playing "America's Army" whenever I want a good shooter. It's free, has a small fraction of the cheaters any other game does (it's very hard to cheat in the game, and mods are easy to call with cheaters being punished fairly harshly), has great graphics (Unreal-engine based), etc.
americas army is very cool i like it, but the gameplay is too slow for cs.

cs is still fun b/c its not quite as realistic, and faster paced.

cs is kinda unique its a great mix of realism and fun.
after a while you should get used to the ak, it's first bullet is always 100% accurate and usually the next few are above the crosshair. if you are having lots of trouble with it, try starting with your crosshair knee/thigh high, start shooting 2-3 round bursts, all while pulling your crosshair upwards, should get those bullets in his chest nicely.
Ok, for all you tile haters out there, take a little trip to the middle east sometime. Tiles are an integral part of Arab architecture. Just visit any mosque. The dome at least implies that the building we are referring to has some sort of signifigance, hence the tiles. And just because tiles are dusty doesn't mean they're not going to reflect light. It means that they aren't going to be perfectly smooth. I don't know about you guys, but I don't see perfectly smooth reflections.
if i was mapping the new de_dust, id put some dusty decals to cover up some of that shiny bump mapping at the beginning of every entrance, that slowly tapers off.
heyheyhey said:

That is inexcusably bad. Why can't they just calculate hits on a per-poly basis instead of using giant (and badly misplaced) boxes? It's obvious from those shots that whoever put that collision model together is retarded. So much for that getting improved :(
Rehevkor said:
That is inexcusably bad. Why can't they just calculate hits on a per-poly basis instead of using giant (and badly misplaced) boxes? It's obvious from those shots that whoever put that collision model together is retarded. So much for that getting improved :(
you say that as if they won't fix the hitboxes
don't worry, the game is still a BETA, they can fix things.
heyheyhey said:
By the way, pulling a steady 50-60 FPS with everything set to "high" and 6xAA/4xAF (the autodetected settings for my card).

Even though that picture distinctly says 42 frames per second? :p

I'm just messin'.

CS:S got preloaded to my rig today. Wish I could haxx0r it and unlock it nowz0rz instead of waiting till tomorrow :mad:
If I go out and buy CS:CZ tonight will I be able to play CS:S tomorrow or was there some sort of deadline I missed?
LordJezo said:
If I go out and buy CS:CZ tonight will I be able to play CS:S tomorrow or was there some sort of deadline I missed?
I believe you will be able to play tomorrow after you get it downloaded.
LordJezo said:
If I go out and buy CS:CZ tonight will I be able to play CS:S tomorrow or was there some sort of deadline I missed?
You'll be able to play it, but once HL2 comes out you won't be able to play CS:S anymore. The CS:S beta will last until HL2 is released, then CZ owners get stuck with... Condition Worthless and nothing more.
heyheyhey said:

that is just plain horrible, why have hitboxes? i think the hitboxes should be exactly the same as the model. That way if you aim a centimter above someones head and close range, the bullet will in fact miss. The way it is now you can shoot across someones face and get a hs. Even if they get the hitboxes on better there are still places which dont line up.
KoDt said:
that is just plain horrible, why have hitboxes? i think the hitboxes should be exactly the same as the model. That way if you aim a centimter above someones head and close range, the bullet will in fact miss. The way it is now you can shoot across someones face and get a hs. Even if they get the hitboxes on better there are still places which dont line up.

What you're talking about is per-poly hit detection. Many games (such as UT2004) support this on static meshes (non-animated environment objects) but not on player models. Given the speed of current CPUs, I don't understand why developers can't just use per-poly collision for everything. It would be far more accurate, and the devs would save themselves some work in the process.
Rehevkor said:
What you're talking about is per-poly hit detection. Many games (such as UT2004) support this on static meshes (non-animated environment objects) but not on player models. Given the speed of current CPUs, I don't understand why developers can't just use per-poly collision for everything. It would be far more accurate, and the devs would save themselves some work in the process.

yeah and its not like cs: source is the most system intensive game anyway, they should implement this
VAC2 is coming out with HL2 or so I've read.

And EVERY game has cheats, its only normal that the most popular game should have cheats aswell...
God, I was hoping that people would grow up and stop cheating this time around.

Now all I get to look forward to when I play is walking around a corner and getting prefired at.
TheGamerZ said:
God, I was hoping that people would grow up and stop cheating this time around.

quoted for lol.
people wont stop cheating. they need to prove they've got a big pair of nuts.