CSS layout question


Limp Gawd
Dec 25, 2000
I'm very new to CSS and have created my first layout using it instead of tables. My layout consists of a header, a left column, a content area, a right column, and a footer.

I'm going to be using the same layout and graphics for all of the pages in my website. Is there a way to program this so that the user doesn't have to load the same graphics everytime and instead just load the content area?
The browser should cache any images that are used between pages. Aside from that, I think you're wanting something that AJAX does. With AJAX, you can replace contents of a div tag pretty easily, without reloading the page.
The good news is your not tredding on any new water.... the bad your going about this in a questionable way. Instead of using tables for your layout uss css + markup to achieve that effect. Three column layouts are no problem, and your pages will work better without the tables in there slowing refresh and css will be more flexible. Find an example here