cs:source cheating

I get really, really sick of all the hacking accusations as well as all the whiners complaining of cheaters. I don't cheat, and never will, but give it up people. For every cheater you complain about shooting you when you are hiding behind some box, there are 5 other legit players that are smart enough to figure out what potential spots someone could be hiding behind. Especially in a game like CS where if you get camped you are dead (other games like Q3 are much more forgiving of campers).

Every thread like this just makes me cringe. I've seen the speed hack a few times. It isn't nearly as rampant as you all claim considering I've seen it TWICE over many hours of playing. If you really want to complain, complain to Valve for not implementing any decent admin or voting system because if there was one, that speed hacker wouldn't have lasted 30 seconds on the servers I've seen them.
theNoid said:
The fact that we can even discuss the cheaters is disgusting. I played CS for years, and am formally DONE with it and anything related to it. I cannot stress enough how lame and outdated the game is now, but thats just my opinion. CS:S is just a 5 year old game with a facelift, ..... and people PAY for it.

No excuses for cheaters, we shouldn't have to go to another server. The fact is ... CS and CS:S suck, because of the rampant hacking. Valve does little to prevent it, mainly because they know a LARGE percentage of their players hack. Why turn the majority of your fanbase away from your product ? Valve knows this, and doesn't nothing.

CS and CS:S are the armpit of online gaming.


HEAR HEAR! Encore!!! Encore!!!
obs said:
If you really want to complain, complain to Valve for not implementing any decent admin or voting system because if there was one, that speed hacker wouldn't have lasted 30 seconds on the servers I've seen them.

Exactly right, with the lack of admin tools right now it's a complete nightmare to police a server. unlike with 1.6 where it was a simple matter of (open console, status, amx_ban "player") now its (open console, rcon_password password, status, rcon banid 0 "steamid", rcon kick "player", rcon writeid) An all that assumes RCON hasnt crashed and actually works.

Plus it requires an admin to be there and watching, this does nothing for that 3am game where all the admins are asleep.

As to cheaters, we had a speedhacker on last night (both honda and I were playing so he didnt last long), and another today who disappeared before i could execute the RCON stuff, plus today I saw two clear wallhackers and one of them may have been using an aimbot.

I agree that cheating is less rampant than it was in 1.6 but the game is also new, the cheat sites have to learn a whole new engine to exploit it. Valve in it's infinite wisdom has chosen to let the cheaters get a massive head start on the admins by not releasing the full SDK with CS:S and by not including VAC out of the gate. I disagree though that it's non-existant
ThreeDee said:
I think CS:S is a blast ..but I guess I just havnt found a "good" server yet .

I see alot of speed hacks , and being a noob and knowing that there are some really good players out there , I cant really distinguish whether or not wall hacks and/or aimbots and that kind of stuff is going on.

my thoughts exactly
I've only been playing for 2 days, but I'll freely admit that the only cheat I've used is the little dry-erase dot on my monitor. :D

Cause, you know, using the heavy caliber sniper rifles in close combat is fun. :D

No mid or long range aim cheating, though I did get accused once. Feh, my fav weps are the P90 and the AUG, anyway. :D
If you wanna know what speed hacking is. Download Changespeed (tiny app) install Win98SE (wont work 2k or xp) and have a ball. Makes programs think they have to run faster, so as long as your system can keep up with running it faster it will.

OGC is for wankers, cheating is for pansy closet-case horse fu$%ers and i never have and never will cheat in an online game just incase you felt like accusing me. I just reckon changespeed is an awesome program for use with apps. Cheaters gave it a bad name :p