CS:S new patch

still, the worste beef with cs is that damn jitter. **not to be mistaken with lag**. I always have a <25 ping to my server yet that damn jitter is always there in certain situations. my setup is smooth as ass in 95% of the game but in the beginning of maps and running around certain areas of maps it comes. I know many get it but yet it goes on unresolved. fak its frustrating when ya do so much to have a good setup yet something like this goes on :mad:

make it smooth as butta 100% of the time! am I missing something here?
Is the new assault the same as original? As far as entry points and hostage location goes. Also, did this patch fix any of the problems that CS:S had that pertained to competitive play?
S1nF1xx said:
Ok, I'll quote you. :)

My Athlon 3200 XP runs the game just fine. I can't run everything at max settings, but then again I have a Radeon 9800 256MB. I run everything at medium to high settings and still hit 50fps durring most heavy combat.

So no, you don't need an A64 to play games. You need a really fast video card if you want to play at max settings, but my 3200 has played every game I've thrown at it.

So there. :p

yah... pretty sad when I bumped my game down from 1600x1200 max settings to 1024x768 lowest settings and still had the same fps... 25-45ish... on my athlon xp 3200+.... but on my athlon 64 3200+ @ 2.3ghz... clawhammer... I get way more fps running at 1600x1200 max settings compared to the axp... after yesterday in cs_assault and the VERY poor performence.. dropping down to as low as 15 fps.... I am waiting for gigabyte to send my motherboard back... and a64 goodness again... baby!
Quit mocking me, I have dial up that runs @ 26kbps...I can't get DSL or anything fast out here in the boonies! Grr...But the new cs:s update, which took me ~5 hours. How come they shrank everyone? Is it me or is the T skin choppy and shiny? It's a whole bunch of fat midgets now...what the deuce...I like the new run and stop and aim though, it looks better. I can't get cs_assault to work yet, it says i'm missing the forklift.vvd or something, w/e. Also I had a whole bunch of crashes and freezes, but I seemed to have gotten that fixed. I hope the character selection comes soon, that should be pretty good. Anyway, the whole update overall is...meh...
I have no problems distinguishing the models.

Oh and russian dude, Prevet, yo tosha ruskie
in darker areas a T can look like a CT. that hesitation distinguishing is too much of a change IMHO but i'm sure it will be a non issue in a few hundred hours of gaming
G'ßöö said:
in darker areas a T can look like a CT. that hesitation distinguishing is too much of a change IMHO but i'm sure it will be a non issue in a few hundred hours of gaming

I've always considered that part of the game, not to mention part of what separates the good players from the ok ones.
I also hate it.
I have a axp and a a64, when using the same videocard CSS gets much better fps with the A64, even when it runs at a lower speed! Axp's have a hard time keeping up with the physics, and even when you drop the res/video options down it will still choke when theirs alot of objects flying around or other physics/cpu intensive stuff going on. Sorry to rain on your parade, but axps aren't that good for modern games, in particular HL2 or CSS. Whats funny is they both got the same video stress test scores, because thats videocard dependent not at all like gameplay, which quickly can become CPU dependant. My barton runs at 2.2 ghz , just like your 3200+ does. But my 3000+a64 spanks it at games, even if i don't overclock it. But when I overclock.. Watch out!

Assault source is teh shizznizzy!
What is this SiN thing they keep going on about on the STEAM news page? I don't understand. :confused:
Eric assault is pretty much the same , except they added a new entrance along the backside.

so now t's have to secure the 2 vent spots, the bottom garage door opening, the backdoor and they added another entrance on top of the backdoor entrance.

i think its just the 32 player servers that give me all the low fps and shitty pings.
the stuttering problem is something they have to fix, one minute you're running out the door on aztec and burstin out a couple shots, then the next second your back in front of the door making your way out of it.
Its like deja vu but gay.
about teh VERY poor performance with my athlon xp... vsync was on.... lmao!!!

but still.. my a64 is way faster..
I get some kick butt speeds for dial up on my smoothwall 56k dialing up box that I network to with my A64 rig and connect to the internet ..

yeah buddy ..if I can keep my ping to under 300 ..then I can be a smidge dangerous .. :p

..anyhoo, only took me a couple hours to get the update ...yay! :D

I cant hold a candle to anybody with a high speed connection and is halfway good at CS:S tho ... I have to result to running alot and some camping cause in close "Try and suprise other guy" quarters ..on my end I get 3 or 4 shots off just about all the time to the face and chest area within 10 or so virtual feet ...I hear one shot off from other guy and I am dead and he still has 100% health ...boooo :mad:

yay for dial up!
7718 said:
I have a axp and a a64, when using the same videocard CSS gets much better fps with the A64, even when it runs at a lower speed! Axp's have a hard time keeping up with the physics, and even when you drop the res/video options down it will still choke when theirs alot of objects flying around or other physics/cpu intensive stuff going on. Sorry to rain on your parade, but axps aren't that good for modern games, in particular HL2 or CSS. Whats funny is they both got the same video stress test scores, because thats videocard dependent not at all like gameplay, which quickly can become CPU dependant. My barton runs at 2.2 ghz , just like your 3200+ does. But my 3000+a64 spanks it at games, even if i don't overclock it. But when I overclock.. Watch out!

Assault source is teh shizznizzy!

yah I agree.... it is pretty unplayable for me in CS:S running with teh axp... I even ran 3dmark01se and got only 16000 in it.. while my a64 does 23k stock :( O well...
ludachaz said:
I have no problems distinguishing the models.

Oh and russian dude, Prevet, yo tosha ruskie
You play on the Ruski servers? It's mad! I get like 15-20 ping... too bad I'm a complete noob at CSS and get schooled from accross the map by those headshotting bastards from ther pea shooters. I much prefer HL2:DM... Something about the feeling when you go on a spree of killing people with toilets or radiators or fridges... priceless.
S1nF1xx said:
Assault is AWESOME! By far the best looking map. The shrink-wrap on the pallets in the warehouse has some cool effects. Outside the warehouse it's so incredibly detailed, so many nooks and crannies to hide in. It's a very fun map. Even though it is quite a graphics hog. Pulls me down from 100fps to about 45-50. That I can live with.

Wow, I must be playing at "unplayable" rates compared to you guys. I'm on a 1.2 -- oh nevermind, look at my sig only cut that ram count in half as one of my sticks died. I can only imagine how this game runs on a real system. But hey, I've still got it kinda... typically I make the top 5 even with this crappy setup. Sure I have to do a flyby in spectator to "load" the level before it's playable, but whatever :) Can't wait to order a gig of ram for this dinosaur...
Tiny said:
What is this SiN thing they keep going on about on the STEAM news page? I don't understand. :confused:

SiN is the game that would have probably been a game of the year contender if Half Life didn't launch when it did. It was a pretty interactive FPS, good game but a little... eh I dunno, it just didn't have the "it" factor that Half Life had. They are releasing new "episodes" over steam rather than a full on new game and it uses the Source engine. I can't wait to see this.
Triple B! I had that same GF3ti500! It's a remarkable card for how long it lasted. I was able to pull Doom3 halfway decently. Of course it was overclocked... i believe 275mhz on core and about 560 on mem... but doom3 ran on middle settings, 8x6, at 30fps nearly always! To tell you the truth, I expected a bit more of an improvement when i went 3 gens above for this 6800u I have now.

I will never forget my gf3... best damn card ever. I truly punished it and it still knocks.
ThreeDee said:
yeah buddy ..if I can keep my ping to under 300 ..then I can be a smidge dangerous .. :p
WOAH :eek: ...I must be spoiled then. I can't handle playing on any server that's >50, thankfully in my area there are many <30. I can only imagine 250+!!

24+ hours in that update still sux. T's are midgits and still blend in and look like ct's in darker hallways. fix the net code or whatever gives jitter instead of the animations you wankers. that damn jitter is gonna make me quit pubs. I'm certain its a combo of things but the max player setting fer sher as I never see it scrimming with <12 or lan'ing