cs:s fps

Apr 27, 2005
for some reason i feel like my computer isn't performing to par, i have a amd64 newcastle 3500+ and a X850xt and at 800x600 i only average 141 fps in the video stress test, this doesn't seem right to me
What do you want? 500?

Crank up the resolution and AA/AF, you'll get less fps but the IQ is worth it IMO. The point of high end cards is to have high enough fps to be playable at high AA/AF rates and high resolutions, NOT have 800fps at 640by480.

well no its more in the fact that i play competitivly and i was trying to see what i should be getting a little better for average. and that constant frame rate is really more of an issue.
yea, i have a xp-90 on order with a panaflo, should be here by the end of the week, and i might be getting a venice soon, not sure yet/
3800+ venice would be nice lol. well just get 3500+ and oc it to around 2.6 ghz or higher if possible. In other way, u can buy 3700+ newark for S754 and oc it to 2.8 ghz with no problem. It shouldn't bottleneck ur x850xt that bad. Anyone agree with me? :p
BigDaddy85 said:
3800+ venice would be nice lol. well just get 3500+ and oc it to around 2.6 ghz or higher if possible. In other way, u can buy 3700+ newark for S754 and oc it to 2.8 ghz with no problem. It shouldn't bottleneck ur x850xt that bad. Anyone agree with me? :p

Yeah, but he also wont gain much in the way of higher FPS either.

CS:S is a whore. No getting around it. The good news though is that you can up those settings and still maintain a great average FPS with your system.
scottemad123 said:
for some reason i feel like my computer isn't performing to par, i have a amd64 newcastle 3500+ and a X850xt and at 800x600 i only average 141 fps in the video stress test, this doesn't seem right to me

I see nothing at all wrong with that figure. The Video Stress Test does just that, stresses your setup to the CSS max. In actual gameplay your FPS will usually be much higher. That's my experience.

I love CSS and I get about 45 fps in the Video Stress Test when I run max textures, 1280x1024, 16xAA & 6xAF

I turn down the AA and AF though, when I play online. I like to be in the ~60fps range.
For myself, I like no bottleneck lol. I don't kno if FX-57 will decrease the bottleneck on X850XT. Let see lol. :cool: