CS:S damage model - more similar to BF or CoD?


Dec 13, 2009
Just curious. Thinking about picking it up (believe it or not I've never played CS!). Is it more similar to BF (BF2, BC2) or CoD in terms of how many shots it takes to kill or be killed?
to me it seems like it takes less shots than BF2 and CoD series.
interesting. Headshots I'm guessing. I see they're not a one-hit kill but they're probably 2 or 3 hits.
interesting. Headshots I'm guessing. I see they're not a one-hit kill but they're probably 2 or 3 hits.

there is only 1 gun that can kill with a body shot, and that is the AWP, big sniper rifle.

Most of the guns are 1 shot to the head without helmets and 1-2 with helmets.
Headshots will sometimes kill you in CS depending on the gun, and whether the enemy is wearing a helmet. Even if they are wearing a helmet you lose most of your health (getting shot with an assault rifle) and your balance/view gets off kilter for a couple seconds.

At the same time it's not really a super realistic shooter though, you can annihilate people with a p90 especially if your whole team works together and rushes. The pump shotty is fun too, 1 shot kill to the head if you are close enough.

The netcode in CS is way better than BC2 though, I have stood behind a stationary enemy in BC2 knifing them repeatedly at point blank range and them not die.

I don't really play it anymore, but I spent quite a few hours playing and it was fun. I imagine it's pretty cheap now too.
CS:S is going to 'feel' and have hit detection far more similar to the CoD's - Simply because the engines in either games originally stem from some form of idTech (And they definatly -are- similar). The BF's have always felt way different from other games. The netcode and the way the engine handles movement has always felt a lot more 'clunkier' to me. Good games, but they definatly don't have the netcode or engine to handle the more twitch based setups like CoD or CS.

In terms of number of shots to kill - CoD on hardcore mode i'd say is very similar to CS:S from what I can remember. Haven't played CS/CS:S in years though.
In terms of number of hits CS:S and COD is similar... but COD guns are far more 'accurate' and have less spray if you aim down the sight.

BC2 on non-hardcore takes more to kill someone, but the real difference is going to be in the maps. The maps in BC2 are generally much larger so not only does it take 1 or 2 more hits, but you're shooting them from a lot further away which makes the net result much more difficult to kill someone.

I played CS:S a lot a long time ago. Played BC2 quite a bit in the last year and am now playing black ops. My first reaction to black ops was... holy crap it's easy to kill people. I couldn't believe hardcore in blackops even existed. It feels almost like instagib mode.
I'd say it's closer to COD.

With all the different gun and shot placement combo's there's a lot to go into but for but the only 1 shot kills I know of are...

1) Majority of AWP shots
2) AK47 Headshots
3) Deagle Headshot
4) Possibly scout headshot but I don't remember.