Crysis + Vista 64 = Fail?


Supreme [H]ardness
Aug 11, 2005
I should have known better, but I decided to purchase Crysis from the EA store. I have re-downloaded all 5.5g of Crysis three times now and I still cant get the game to install. I keep getting .cab file errors during instalation. I have checked EAs tech support forums and there are numerous people who have the same problem, yet EA is yet to present a working sollution.

Does anyone know of a work-around for installing Crysis, for those who are getting .cab file errors? Im at the point where im ready to forget Crysis, get a refund, and wait for Mass Effect.
My Vx64 LOVES my store-bought DVD. Yummy.

Change the thread title.
do you get a code from the ea store? i would say jsut dl the dvd and use that, but i dont think thats an option with their "store"
The 64bit exe does run worse for me. It runs the game just fine though.