Crucial ballistix sucky oc'er?

Shay Ken

May 7, 2006
yeah I read a couple reviews and they both said they couldn't get far.
One got to 255 FSB and no higher

these were the sticks used

is this a good/bad overclock, because I'd like to get those with an AM2 3000 to oc it to some reasonable clocks,
should I still get the ballistix or are there any other better RAM sticks?

I was looking at these corsair's XMS

how would they compare to the ballistix?

Thanks in advance
fsb != memory clock ;) (while we're discussing semantics, amd based boards no longer have an fsb, but isntead an HTT ;))

though i have that exact set of ballistix, and seem to have hit a board/memory controller limit at 520mhz or so with 4-4-3 timings
the corsairs you posted are DDR2. it wont work with your mb unless you have an AM2 mb.

oops didnt see the AM2 part. my suggestion for best performance are GSkills HZ DDR2. i believe they are using micron d9's which are crazy OCers.
blazin-asian said:
i believe they are using micron d9's which are crazy OCers.
do i have to repeat what i said last time about calling the chips "micron d9"? :(

btw, crucial is part of micron, micron can sometimes keep the very best chips for themselves and crucial to get.. ;)
so which would you suggest? the corsair or the ballistix? I love the look of the ballistix.

oh and Eclipse, any chance of you writing an AM2/DDR2 oc guide? that would be awesome!

Shay Ken
the ballistix is better ram, but the corsair's price is much much better

but as blazin says, there is some nice g.skill for pretty cheap too, but i don't think it'll do quite as well as the ballistix does.. or the ultra-expensive corsair 6400C3 sticks :eek:

but one thing to keep in mind.. at it's current stage, most of the AM2 board are stupidly picky about ram.
and yes, the guide will be tweaked to add in some steps that are ddr2 specific, but the general process is almost identical :D
well here, there's a €2 difference in price between those RAMS
and both of them are tested w K9N SLI so that's good,

which one would you choose then?
I think I'm leaning towards the ballistix,

and how bout that guide? :p
if there's a very small difference in price, definitly the ballistix.. definitly.

the guide will have to wait a bit. leaving to go on vacation tomorrow :p
Shay Ken said:
well here, there's a €2 difference in price between those RAMS

OMG, those bastards just upped the price so now there's a € 114 difference
:( :mad:

the search continues