critique please

well i am not the photo guru, but they look nice. maybe one or two arent exactly focused where i would think they normally would be focused, but then again, i am not a photo guy- so i may be wrong.
those were pictures of negative space being invaded by objects!

i really like the grass picture with the water.

pictures with boats, such as the anchored.jpg picture could be better composed if the object was more within a third of the picture.

i believe the anchored picture would be better if the boat was positioned in the bottom right.

just things like that, other then that they are great shots :)
I dig the grass and fungus pictures, both excellent.

The boat shots all seemed to be somewhat lacking. They weren't bad, just not somthing that really captures you. Good stuff though. Decent composition but the grey day makes everything look a little dead.
I would say that with a bit more depth-of-field on the two macro shots (Fungi and grass) you would have yourself some very nice photos. I really like the dewdrops!
Nice pics I just wish they were bigger so I could get a closer view.
Some decent pictures there.

I'm not sure how your method is on taking pictures.

I take it like this:
DO NOT try and go for the perfect'll never get it.
Just take MULTIPLE shots of the same thing different ways. Just a "hey this is interesting" or "this might look cool"
Have FUN with it. If you try and make the picture look good, it won't.

Out of 30 pictures I took at my last photo shoot, I personally only like about 7-10 pictures. (client obviously likes a lot more - like half or more of them)

I know this sounds like a very crude method but.....'spray-and-pray'
Just keep taking a TON of shots. If you go out to take pics one day, take as many as you can possible fit on the media you're using before you call it quits. Don't be afraid to throw away more than half of them. It's a learning process. The more you take pictures, and process'll begin to see how each picture could have been improved. This way, next time you'll be able to make those corrections and have a better succes rate per pictures taken.

Have FUN with it.
What Mr. Baz said is right on. That's the reason I never got real big into film photography though: too bloody expensive to do that. Now, the flip side with digital in my book is that I can't afford a digital SLR, which I really really really want. Especially if it can allow manual everything. I keep saying I'm going to dig out my Pentax K1000 again, but the issue is with spending money on film.

Keep it up though!
thanks for all the input. Ive been playing a lot and figuring out my limitations as well as the cameras. My first thought was a dslr but since it was my first try at photography I didnt want to spend the money and have it sit in a closet.

I cant wait till spring to get out and do something. The NW weather makes it a little hard to see anythign interesting when everythng is gray. Not to mention the fact that I really dont wanna get the thing wet :)