Critique Please - New Network Setup


Limp Gawd
Oct 5, 2004
Hello Networking & Security of [H]ard|Forum.

I have finally decided that I will stop thinking about setting up a network and actually do it. First and foremost, I know very little about networking and am very much a beginner. I would love to hear thoughts and input about what I am planning, but please, explain what I am doing wrong and how to fix it.

Here is a lay out of the equipment I have and how i plan to set it up. I plan on using the IP's on the routers you see labeled and then leave the PC's to automatic ip configuration.


So with that out there, any input?.
No need for multiple routes unless your going to use them only as access points. If you are using them because you need the switch ports you might be better served getting an actual 24 port switch.

Just something to keep in mind.


Also for simplicity you would want to shut off dhcp for the linksys routers and not use the wan ports.
No need for multiple routes unless your going to use them only as access points. If you are using them because you need the switch ports you might be better served getting an actual 24 port switch.

Just something to keep in mind.


Also for simplicity you would want to shut off dhcp for the linksys routers and not use the wan ports.

I was trying to limit the purchase of new equipment, i was hoping to get by with the 3 routers I had on hand.

Would DDWRT not be able to handle DHCP via the WAN ports? (this is something I know nothing of)
you wouldn't want that many routes. DDWRT could handle it, but the port forwarding would become a nightmare.

Like suggested, disable DHCP on each linksys, don't use the wan ports. Then the Linksys devices are as you'd put "glorified" switches :D

have fun!
I revised my plan with the advice you guys suggested and got rid of equipment we wont use. I am also looking at getting a 24 port switch but need to wait for the next paycheck or two.

Not a lot of revision. Tell me something.. Why DO you need 3 routers? Switch ports? That's it?
Get the switch. Get some JetDirect cards for your HP printers, so that you don't need to use "MINE1" and "DAD1" for print servers (which would also require them to be on whenever you required printing). You should limit to 1 wireless router unless range dictates otherwise. Oh, and get some boxes with Windows 7, you are really living in 2002.
Not a lot of revision. Tell me something.. Why DO you need 3 routers? Switch ports? That's it?

Read his post. He already owns them. Disable DHCP/wifi and it will work fine. I did it for a while till the router I was using crapped out and I ended up buying a real switch.
Get the switch. Get some JetDirect cards for your HP printers, so that you don't need to use "MINE1" and "DAD1" for print servers (which would also require them to be on whenever you required printing). You should limit to 1 wireless router unless range dictates otherwise. Oh, and get some boxes with Windows 7, you are really living in 2002.

Get the switch. Get some JetDirect cards for your HP printers, so that you don't need to use "MINE1" and "DAD1" for print servers (which would also require them to be on whenever you required printing). You should limit to 1 wireless router unless range dictates otherwise. Oh, and get some boxes with Windows 7, you are really living in 2002.

Na. Someone got vista so he partly in 2008 :p
There will always be money and upgrades that you can throw at your network but I see nothing wrong with your setup. For a beginner, I'm somewhat impressed. Good job.
Read his post. He already owns them. Disable DHCP/wifi and it will work fine. I did it for a while till the router I was using crapped out and I ended up buying a real switch.

I read the post multiple times and understand that he has the hardware. The point to my post is to save him some headache and just buy a switch. Depending on his needs (10/100 vs 10/100/1000) it could be a cheap investment to just get the switch. I ended up picking up a dell 2224 (24 port 10/100) switch for like 30 bucks.
Your Network is more than fine for home use. Just disable DHCP on the 2 routers past the main and you'll be golden.

There will always be money and upgrades that you can throw at your network but I see nothing wrong with your setup. For a beginner, I'm somewhat impressed. Good job.

Agreed, I expected to scroll down to see a hobbled together mess - well done.

With DDWRT you want to disable the internet connection all together in "General Setup" (I think) which will allow you to disable the DHCP Server and assign the WAN port to the LAN so they become 6 port switches with AP's.
Not a lot of revision. Tell me something.. Why DO you need 3 routers? Switch ports? That's it?

I read the post multiple times and understand that he has the hardware. The point to my post is to save him some headache and just buy a switch. Depending on his needs (10/100 vs 10/100/1000) it could be a cheap investment to just get the switch. I ended up picking up a dell 2224 (24 port 10/100) switch for like 30 bucks.

You nailed it on the head in your first post. And to be honest, I took my time responding cause it felt like you were trying to be a dick in your response but I see now you weren't (glad I held my tongue =)). The changes were very subtle but it all came down to amount of ports. I was not sure of what could be done to the routers (if anything) to make this work, hence why I was asking. I would like nothing more than to splurge and buy a full Gig switch but I cant afford it now, so Im trying to do with what I got.

Get the switch. Get some JetDirect cards for your HP printers, so that you don't need to use "MINE1" and "DAD1" for print servers (which would also require them to be on whenever you required printing). You should limit to 1 wireless router unless range dictates otherwise. Oh, and get some boxes with Windows 7, you are really living in 2002.

I dont plan on sharing the printers off of MINE1 and DAD1 - they are going to be local printers and the M1522nf will be our network printer. And I know I run a lot of XP but it works and is stable. I have plans on upgrading MINE1 to Win7 in the next few weeks when my access to MSDNAA is granted. From there we will do cost analysis on upgrading the others to 7.

To be honest, I feel like our gear is all 1999! haha

Read his post. He already owns them. Disable DHCP/wifi and it will work fine. I did it for a while till the router I was using crapped out and I ended up buying a real switch.

I will look this up on the DDWRT forum and go about trying it out. I do eventually plan on getting a real switch but I dont see it happening for this project.

Na. Someone got vista so he partly in 2008 :p

HAHA! Yeah the sole Vista machine, notice its an HP? I stayed away from Vista after helping friends fix FUBAR'ed installs. Figured XP was still working and supported, keep it in place. Like I said in the last response, I feel like some of this stuff is straight 1999!

There will always be money and upgrades that you can throw at your network but I see nothing wrong with your setup. For a beginner, I'm somewhat impressed. Good job.

Thanks! I really appreciate hearing that. My networking experience is so lacking so I wanted to attempt this before getting deeper into networking (doing a networking track for my IT degree)

Your Network is more than fine for home use. Just disable DHCP on the 2 routers past the main and you'll be golden.


Thanks for the heads up, I am going to check into this and try it out. If this will work for a while till I can get a real switch I will be happy with that.

Agreed, I expected to scroll down to see a hobbled together mess - well done.

With DDWRT you want to disable the internet connection all together in "General Setup" (I think) which will allow you to disable the DHCP Server and assign the WAN port to the LAN so they become 6 port switches with AP's.

Thanks for the info on DDWRT! I will give this a try hopefully today or tomorrow when I have some time to work on it and report back.

To everyone who has replied and viewed, thanks! I do appreciate the time and effort to help me learn.
You nailed it on the head in your first post. And to be honest, I took my time responding cause it felt like you were trying to be a dick in your response but I see now you weren't (glad I held my tongue =)). The changes were very subtle but it all came down to amount of ports. I was not sure of what could be done to the routers (if anything) to make this work, hence why I was asking. I would like nothing more than to splurge and buy a full Gig switch but I cant afford it now, so Im trying to do with what I got.

Thanks dude. I tend to come off as being a dick when I'm not trying to be. So had you flew off the handle at me I would have laughed and moved on. Anyways last bit of advice that I can give you is check around. You might be surprised what you could find decently priced. ALSO I know that gig speeds are all the rave these days, but really evaluate if you really need it. I have 10/100 through out my lab and so far I'm happy with it. Can't complain personally.

Just a last second thing to keep in mind.