Creepy Facebook request

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Jun 8, 2009
This isn't really about hardware but I figured hardforum would be the best place to ask about something like this. I got a Facebook request from a guy I didn't know yesterday at the same time that I got a Myspace request from a girl I didn't know (I haven't even signed on to Myspace in over a year). I used to be good at spotting fake profiles and they both looked real. I approved both of them and the girl messaged me a couple hours later saying she thought I was cute and asking for my number. Before giving it to her, I looked her up on Facebook, and I saw that our only mutual friend was the random guy who had just requested me. Now, I used a fake last name on Myspace, I have different profile pictures, and I barely filled out any of the info aside from what sports I like. I also used different email addresses for both accounts.

How is it possible for them to have found me on both sites? Could it just be some bizarre coincidence or is there some weird stalker scam shit going on here?
... if it sounds too good to be true ...

delete them as friends and change your passwords.
Lol of course I didn't give her my number. I'm just curious what could be going on, and more importantly, how they were able to find me.
Social engineering at its finest. I doubt it is targeted activity. They probably just blasted the requests to a large number of Facebook and Myspace users at the same time.
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