Creative X-fi Code 10

Feb 23, 2008
I placed a Creative X-fi into the computer and it's popping up with a Code 10 error. I tried updating drivers through Device Manager and it says it has latest driver. I went to Creative site and downloaded latest driver from them but it refuses to install and says latest driver. I tried Safe Mode with Driver Cleaner and... nada.

Suggestions other than shotgun?
First, what does code 10 mean ? Secondly try it in a different slot if there is one available.
Sadly had already done that as well. I'll see if I can switch the PCI slot after I get out of this one dungeon group.
Still no go. I, like I said, had already attempting the Add/Remove steps plus I even (on another boot) attempted to uninstall driver (with delete drivers) under Device Manager.

So not sure what else can be done now.
What's equally sad is that under Ubuntu it has zero problems. You would think with a modern sound card on a modern operating system such issues would not be around.