Creating your own Webserver. How to?


Limp Gawd
Jul 15, 2004
I was wondering if anyone could direct me to a good site that would have a guide about how to set up a webserver. Anyone?

Yes, i have looked other places, but often the best guides are not the easiest to find.
SerialThriller said:
I was wondering if anyone could direct me to a good site that would have a guide about how to set up a webserver. Anyone?

Yes, i have looked other places, but often the best guides are not the easiest to find.

Has everything you need to get a server up and running in about 10 min
I personally favor setting things up individually. If nothing else, that gives you a better handle on upgrades when security fixes are needed.

Generally speaking, the install instructions for Apache / PHP / MySQL are very complete. The only real item of note is that PHP5 requires a little extra tweaking to make MySQL work (I have a thread in Web & Prog to that end --

The proper procedure is:
Make Apache work ( -- get v2
Now make PHP work (use a page of "<?php phpinfo(); ?>" to test) ( -- your choice for v4 vs v5.
Now install MySQL (
Now install phpMyAdmin and make sure MySQL works (
Now install Perl, no special steps needed. (
Now make Apache public, if desired (open port in firewall / router)

As long as you read the instructions, it's pretty straightforward.
extreemly dumb question..but...would one still need Windows 2000 or a server version of Windows to run a Web server or is something like Apache enuff?
SerialThriller said:
extreemly dumb question..but...would one still need Windows 2000 or a server version of Windows to run a Web server or is something like Apache enuff?
Apache itself isn't an OS -- you need something under the hood.

That said, any of the WinNT platforms (NT4 Workstation, 2K Pro, XP Home, XP Pro) are all fine.

Naturally, *NIX is fine, too. I just happen to prefer administrating Windows systems.

//edit: I should also mention -- PHP / MySQL apps should be fully cross-platform most of the time. Perl is the only thing I can't pull off immediately cross-platform, and that's only because of the necessity of specifying where the perl executable is.