Creating a server.


Oct 25, 2002
So I would like to set up my own server for Counter Strike.
I have all the software I need, and I'm all set with configuring it and everything...

It's just that, I do not know what kind of hardware I'm going to need.
Obviously a spare computer...
But what kind would run a decent server?

I have a 466mhz celeron laying around with 90mb ram,

my friend is willing to give me his 1ghz celeron with the motherboard... but that might be awhile....

So I mean, will either of these options run a decent server?
I plan to upgrade ram to at least 512mb...

But should I invest in a new motherboard/cpu combo? I understand a P4 is my best bet... but I don't want to pay anything above $100 for this project...

Sorry if this belongs in networking.
What type of connection is this going to be on? And how many people max do you want to have on the server? This will help us determine what hardware is good for you.
I have a cable connection, which will go through a router to two computers.

I will also plan to have 16-20 people play max on the server.
Originally posted by citizenhipster
I have a cable connection, which will go through a router to two computers.

I will also plan to have 16-20 people play max on the server.

there is no way your cable connection will be able to handle 16 people and not be horribly laggy.
What's the upload speed of your connection? To get 16-20 people with no lag i'm thinking an upload speed of 768kbps.
me and my friends recently set up a server on a p3 with a 20 gig HDD and it was all set to go. When we got 2 people on it the pings shot to 3000 because of the upload speedsso yeah. Priorities.

we ended uprenting a server from, I highly reccomend them, theyve got great ping and greatcustomerservie and its very easy to control and use
Originally posted by Archer75
What's the upload speed of your connection? To get 16-20 people with no lag i'm thinking an upload speed of 768kbps.

Sounds about right. I myself get 900-1000kbps upload on my cable and I'm happy! I run a 16 player Dc server that noone ever plays on.........
I'm getting 60-120kbps upload speeds.

How does one get such great upload speeds?

I know usually my download speeds can go beyond 1800Kbps.
but right now, they're around 1300.

And my ISP is ranked #37 on their top ISPs list...
Originally posted by citizenhipster
I'm getting 60-120kbps upload speeds.

How does one get such great upload speeds?

I know usually my download speeds can go beyond 1800Kbps.
but right now, they're around 1300.

And my ISP is ranked #37 on their top ISPs list...

Yeah, you won't be running a 16-20 player CS server with that upload.

Usually people pay more to get a line where they have a higher upload. The majority of ISPs will cap your upload for standard lines. One of the major reasons for this is to prevent everyone and their dog from running servers.
I mean my friend has a cable connection, and he runs a 16 person server fine.

So I take it that it's impossible to run one with my current upload speeds (121kbps is the speed I have gotten many of times while testing) with pings under 200?
The problem with your Cable Upload is it is not always the same...if you had a 784 SDSL Connection you could easily host a 20 player CS Server.

With a 121kb/sec upoad the mosy you could host is 2-4 players.

I have had a 784 SDSL and a T1 line at my house....upload is what your Server needs.
It all depends where you live. I'm one of the three people in my area with cable internet. And the others that do are 10 years olds who want thier porn faster....... Which means meh get teh h4x0r speeds :)
Originally posted by GlobalFear
It all depends where you live. I'm one of the three people in my area with cable internet. And the others that do are 10 years olds who want thier porn faster....... Which means meh get teh h4x0r speeds :)

Even so, I read up and my ISP caps it off at 124, I believe.

Currently looking into renting a server.. hosts CS servers. My clan rented a server from there and the leader and him were good friends. Matt (the owner) Is nice. He takes a more hands on approach than most people. Give them a try.