creating a semi-secure web server


Feb 28, 2001
What kind of things should I take into consideration when doing a complete overhall on my webserver? I've had it running a small messageboard for about two years now without problems. The messageboard uses mysql and php and the computer was based on some anchient redhat distro. I never had any problems, but when I set it up I did'nt really understand anything about linux or mysql, and looking at it now the only user is root, the messageboard is even using mysql as root... :eek:

I updated some hardware, and I'm thinking of installing gentoo on it. I've run gentoo on my laptop for a while now and tested fedora core 2, mandrake and suse. Gentoo seemed the clearest of the lot, and they seem to have a kernel that's aimed at servers too. (whatever they mean by that then...)

-so I set up gentoo, sql and php (and manage users better this time)
-newest version of invisionboard (or whatever it's called these days... Or should I consider some other free forum software?)

Are there any clear advices that you can give? Or maby some link to a page with advice?