Creating a dedicated server


Limp Gawd
Jul 13, 2012
Im considering building a dedicated server to share files with some buddies and maybe host games like soldier of fortune double helix, cod 4, halo combat evolved etc.. i dont really have any knowledge about doing this so can someone walk me through this?

Thanks guys
Trying to do it at home or host it somewhere?

If at home, build a machine, slap windows on it, install your game servers, forward the right ports in your router.
Trying to do it at home or host it somewhere?

If at home, build a machine, slap windows on it, install your game servers, forward the right ports in your router.

Your going to open your box and your network to plenty of bots and/or attackers for easy picking if you so that.

For simple file sharing, use a SSH server and your friends can use a SSH client to connect to it.