

Nov 29, 2003
I have a Seagate 160 GB SATA drive that had quite a bit of info on it. I was using it as a secondary when one night, my comp just rebooted itself. Next thing I know, it said it was checking the drive. During the check, every sector was coming up Unreadable. Is it toast? If it is, is there any possible way to recover the info from it?
the same thing happened to me on monday. computer locked, rebooted drive makes bad scrathchy noises. on a mirrored raid, switched to backup, same responce with the second drive. seagate is useless will replace but data recovery isn't covered at all. need help. anyone else with the same problem? two drives, same scratchy noises at the same time. sounds like a manufacturing defect. same 160gb geagate only 8 months useage.
If it happened to two at the same time. I'd be more inclined to say it might be an issue with the power supply or with the power in the house cause some catastrophic voltages to go into the system.
Mine was just the single drive. I never heard any odd noises, I just noticed that it grew abnormally hot when I used it and sometimes locked my system up. Then, it just stopped working. I can't boot my system with it hooked up because it wants to run that diskcheck again.