crappy spring brake need new MP3 Player


Sep 13, 2003
I previously had an iRiver H120 which was a HDD based MP3 with a 20GB hdd that I LOVED.

Best feature it had was NOT having to install iTunes or some type of software to transfer files to the mp3 player, under windows XP it just showed up as a mass storage device that worked on every single computer that had XP without a single problem (never had a problem with using it on the few win 2k computers I dealt with either). I loved being able to take it anywhere plug it in and drag and drop files on to it or copy files from the mp3 player. I basicly used it as a 20GB thumbdrive, was very nice to have.

Plus it held all of my music without a problem only having a limited amount of CD's that I listen to, it had plenty of space.

Well to make a long story short, I was home for spring break, and had it laying on the kitchen table the day after I got there charging it up after my trip home. Devil kid from parents work got ahold of it and when I tried to get it back from him he threw it against our concrete steps, busting it. Doesn't look to bad but won't spin up and makes a bad clicking noise. Kids parent tries to tell me that I shouldn't have left it where a kid could get it (note: this "kid" is 11 years old). My dad come out and saw that the MP3 player wouldn't work and saw the crack in the side of it and on the screen while she was yelling at me. He asks her nicely to take her things and leave, she gets even more pissed and starts yelling at me while shes getting her things.

A few days later I called her (with my mom standing there listening to what I said to her) asking if she would replace the broken MP3 player. She goes off on a rant cussing me and telling me "how dare you try to blame my son for something he didn't do" tells me to f- off and hangs up. Next day my mom tries calling and basicly get the same thing.

So because of people like that I am having to buy another one. Was kinda crappy spring break if you ask me :(.

With all that said, is there an MP3 player that has the plug and play capability such as my old MP3 player? I would like to get a newer and updated one from iRiver but they don't seem to make this type of MP3 player any more.

Can the iPod be detected as a regular mass storage device so I could just drag and drop files onto the thing or would I have to installed iTunes to even place any type of file on it?

What about the zune? I havn't heard much about it other than something about if the music didn't come from some type of pay service such as napster or iTunes that it would delete them after 72 hours :-/.

With my old player I could just drag and drop mp3 files from my computer, unplug the mp3 player and start listening to it.

Any information would be appreicated.
sorry to hear about the little pain in the assests.. tell the mom to act her age not her IQ...
well i know the ipod wont work that way forsure..
if you liked the iriver so much track down another one.. i'm sure they're on ebay or elsewhere's
i'm not 100% sure on how the zune hooks up..
with the ipod can you atleast put whatever files you want on it or does it HAVE to be some specific extention? How does it work?

I got my Iriver at the end of the ipod 2g and beginning of 3g not sure what has changed :-/,
I have a Zune and I haven't found any programs other then the Zune software that allows you to add files. There is a hack that gets it to show up as a storage device but to actually use it that way, you have to have the Zune software running and syncing or it won't allow you do modify or add any files. Kind of a shame since my current computer sucks so much that it takes me like 10 minutes to open up the software, wait for it to detect the Zune, wait for a bunch of other crap, have it crash on me a few times, wait for it to sync, and then close it :eek:.

iPods however have options other then iTunes (can't drag and drop though.) I used MediaMonkey once for my old iPod mini but I can't say it was any better then using iTunes. I also heard that the newer WinAmp versions can sync to iPods but I haven't tried it.

There aren't really any decent players nowadays that let you drag-and-drop the old fashioned way unfortunately.
You might want to consider a Cowon player. A friend of mine who owns one swears by it. Considering he is by his own words "computer illiterate", very abusive of his stuff, and very easily agitated at things that make it harder than what he THINKS it's SHOULD be like (i.e. why use proprietary software versus drag and drop?) the fact that it's survived him, and he recommends it is a testament to its quality as a product. Granted this is only my opinion, but I also know my friend. Anything that gets in his hands that doesn't make him angry is a keeper.
thanks for the suggestion on the cowon.

Can someone confirm that the ipod does show up as a mass storage device when plugged into a computer and that you CAN just drag and drop files to and from (.zip, .iso, .exe) the drive. Basicly being able to be used as a backup device?

As you have said in this thread before I understand you can't just drag and drop mp3s and video files and play them. But from my understanding (and my friends that have ipods) you can just drag and drop files and use the thing as a storage device.

This is true correct?
thanks for the suggestion on the cowon.

Can someone confirm that the ipod does show up as a mass storage device when plugged into a computer and that you CAN just drag and drop files to and from (.zip, .iso, .exe) the drive. Basicly being able to be used as a backup device?

As you have said in this thread before I understand you can't just drag and drop mp3s and video files and play them. But from my understanding (and my friends that have ipods) you can just drag and drop files and use the thing as a storage device.

This is true correct?

Yup. You have to set aside the space on the IPod for drag-drop capability using ITunes too. You can't use that space for music, even if you have no data in it.

If you want an mp3 player that acts a lot like your old Iriver, check out the Sandisk Sansa e200 series. Features up to 8GB solid-state storage, with expandability to 10GB via a microSD card. In Mass-storage mode, the player is just a USB drag-and-drop files into the Music folder, and the player organizes them into it's onboard database using the Id3 tags.

If your mp3s don't have tags, you can just place your mp3s inside folders (albums), and it will play those albums in alphanumeric order.

In other words, this is a very versatile player. I have one, and I love it. Then only problem is it is lower -capacity than your 20-gig player (largest Sandisk makes is 8 Gig, and the largest microSD card right now is 2Gig).

EDIT: oh, and beat the shit out of that kid, he really needs it. Don't worry, your mom probably won't care...not after the reception she got. A child raising a child is a dispicable thing to have to put-up with.
EDIT: oh, and beat the shit out of that kid, he really needs it. Don't worry, your mom probably won't care...not after the reception she got. A child raising a child is a dispicable thing to have to put-up with.

Im glad you said that ;)

also the mom for being an idiot. If I did something like that I would be killed. But know this if you want to get paid pm me the phone number and il do my best. because that just wrong.

stupid kids now days.
didn't know that you had to specifically set aside space for it.

I don't care how I put my music/videos on the player but I do care if I can put stuff on it other than mp3s and video files.

I have between 6-8GB of music dont remember exactly how much I had on my iRiver, but I did have 7-8GB worth of pictures, software and other stuff on the drive. Thanks for the information :).
didn't know that you had to specifically set aside space for it.

I don't care how I put my music/videos on the player but I do care if I can put stuff on it other than mp3s and video files.

I have between 6-8GB of music dont remember exactly how much I had on my iRiver, but I did have 7-8GB worth of pictures, software and other stuff on the drive. Thanks for the information :).

I feel your pain, bro :(. I have an h140.. if anything happens to that, I'd kill the person responsible. Wouldn't be as patient as you have been..

One thing you can try.. sounds as if your HDD is toast. If the internal circuit board and battery are still working, why not just replace the HDD? There are plenty of guides available for this: , go to the forums section there, the h120/h140 modding section. Give it a shot before you spring for a new one.. h120/h140 + Rockbox + FLAC = teh win!!1
Best of luck..
I got the Cowon iAudio X5L from newegg. I love it, just need to copy and paste music thats it. No need to install third party software or even the manufacturer software. Plug it in and sees it as a removable hard drive from the first time you hook it up and start copying music in it. Great player for listening to music. FLAC/OGG + 35hr est. battery life ftw.
I feel your pain, bro :(. I have an h140.. if anything happens to that, I'd kill the person responsible. Wouldn't be as patient as you have been..

One thing you can try.. sounds as if your HDD is toast. If the internal circuit board and battery are still working, why not just replace the HDD? There are plenty of guides available for this: , go to the forums section there, the h120/h140 modding section. Give it a shot before you spring for a new one.. h120/h140 + Rockbox + FLAC = teh win!!1
Best of luck..

Well the screen does not work anymore so HDD being replaced wont really help. You can see the light shine but you can clearly see its not displaying anything other. Should have taken pictures of it before I left to go back to school :-/.
Take her to Judge Judy.

Or, if she doesn't agree to that get a lawyer and take her to small claims court. I would do this even if it cost me more than I got out of it just to see the bitch's face when she gets served with a subpoena.
I was thinking about doing it but its still not worth a 200 dollar MP3 player. Currently being in school and not haveing the money to throw at something like this suxs :( but I sure as hell would like to.

Talked to my parents about doing something like that like but they both said its not worth the time the effort nor the money. Just have to pick your battles. Totally suxs ass.
I would not suggest a iPod or Zune since they both require stupid programs to upload music, Sandisk has some nice players but they are 8< gb so not sure if thats what you want. If iRiver has drag and drop before there shouldn't be any reason why it's still not there if they removed it then buy that same model you had before used?
I was thinking about doing it but its still not worth a 200 dollar MP3 player. Currently being in school and not haveing the money to throw at something like this suxs :( but I sure as hell would like to.

Talked to my parents about doing something like that like but they both said its not worth the time the effort nor the money. Just have to pick your battles. Totally suxs ass.

I think those daytime court shows pay for everything for you as long as it is a good story for tv where one person can be chastised by judge judy atleast. They also have a pot of couple thousand for each case and apparently the plaintiff and defendant get their money from that. You file in small claims first. Better than small claims I think. Atleast you would get paid. Small claims cant make the person pay I thought.

You and one parent get free vacation for a night to wherever they film. You can tell people you were on TV. Atleast you aren't on the other side. The bad people could care less either. Their shit is paid for to come out and they are out no money at the end.
I think those daytime court shows pay for everything for you as long as it is a good story for tv where one person can be chastised by judge judy atleast. They also have a pot of couple thousand for each case and apparently the plaintiff and defendant get their money from that. You file in small claims first. Better than small claims I think. Atleast you would get paid. Small claims cant make the person pay I thought.

You and one parent get free vacation for a night to wherever they film. You can tell people you were on TV. Atleast you aren't on the other side. The bad people could care less either. Their shit is paid for to come out and they are out no money at the end.

So what would be the point of the law suit then if its not hurting them at all? ;).

If I was going to do something like that I would do it up right... something like "My potential masters thesis was on the drive and was lost forever cuasing severe distress blah blah blah mental issues" or some legal BS. Suing for everything you got lol.
[joking]Go throw a rock through her window and then tell her she shoudln't have put it somewhere a rock could hit it.[/joking]

Ok seriously throw a rock through her window. If she's not gonna pay you atleast make her have to pay somebody for damage you did. Two wrongs will make a right. Dont get caught though cause it's a felony. Shooting\throwing deadly missiles through an occupied dwelling. :p
Buy a new player and send her an invoice for it. Eventually she might pay you, if she gets annoyed enough