Crappy New Game


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
I am not surprised that this has not come to our attention while it has been in the wild since October, but if Intel is having a really crappy day, shouldn't you have one too? We give you, Attack of the Evil Poop.

Check out the video.

“Attack of the Evil Poop” mixes perfectly different game genres such as: F.P.S. (First Person Shooter), clicker, on-rails shooter and Q.T.E. (Quick Time Event) among others, to drive you totally insane!

FPS game? First Pooper Shooter? Don't blame us, blame Ascend Digitally.
We've gotten to the point where developers run out of ideas for new games.
The first thought that came to mind was "what does it fight back with?" Then I watched the video, finished watching, and pondered how bad the battle with a boss would be.

I'm still wondering whether it'll eventually arrive on the multiplayer front; and whether you'll one day be able to play as yourself, or your, uh, opponent...


RIP Bill Paxton.

BTW that clip would be a great follow up to someone coming down from hallucinogenics after eating gas station food around 3am- just saying.
Nothing about that was appealing and I'm all for playing with my own shit.
Life is a toilet bowl. Shit either floats, or it sinks. Either way, it still stinks.

Edit: HOLY CRAP! I just flashbacked to my childhood and remembered this gem of a game:


So in the end, its just the same old shit i guess...
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