Cpu heatsink removal


Limp Gawd
Dec 13, 2003
This is killing me: I've taken off my heatsink once before, and it required so much force I was sure the Pentium 4 would never survive. I really want to avoid that this time, so what are your steps at removing your prised processor from its slot, and removing the heatsink from your processor?

I have an Intel C at 3.65 GHZ. on an ic7max3 board with a large swiftech northbridge cooler. I'm trying to reapply my arctic silver due to the fact that my computer wont startup without the cpu fan on anymore. :eek: I also lowered my overclock to 3.15 GHZ, and it didnt seem to make a difference with temperatures. Doesnt seem right to me.
The main thing i would suggest is running it stressed for a while, or at least make sure the CPU is warmed up before you try to remove it. That should take care of the bonding between the heatsink and the top of the processor.
I've pulled a P4 right out of the socket before, that was scary. I usually twist it back and forth and it loosens up.