CPU core fused to heatsink :( HELP!


Oct 13, 2005
Dudes, please help me out on this one. My CPU core is fused to the heatsink ! :eek:

I have a P4 (Dell Inspiron 5160) Laptop. I recently bought arctic silver 5 thermal grease to put on my heatsink. My fan was running a lot and the system was getting heated up a little. So today, when I removed everything and pulled the heatsink out, the CPU core came along with it. :eek: :eek:

Its completely fused to the heatsink. I dont know what to do? :confused: I replaced it back into the enclosure without breaking any pins on the CPU core (Thank God for that). The system is working at the moment but I dont know how to separate the core from the heatsink.

Any ideas?
Try twisting the core, and if that doesn't work, put both into the freezer and twist.
Talonz said:
Try twisting the core, and if that doesn't work, put both into the freezer and twist.

in the freezer?? Is that safe? Is it safe to twist the core? I dont wanna have a mishap on my hands :D
try to heat it with a hair dryer (on low) and then use something like a credit card to 'pry' it away. but use caution of course.

this hapened to a s478 a while ago...i ended up using a spatula!
Got two replies: one says freeze, the other says heat.:confused:

Okay, tell me this, is it going to be a problem if I dont do anything and let it be fused as it is right now. The system is working fine, its just that the fan goes into overdrive sometimes. I can live with that if my system is going to live. I just dont want to be the reason for spending money on a new CPU core right now :D

Thanks for the replies Talonz and Vulcanworlds!
its not really fused. AS5 hardens with heat.

Your best bet is to slowly twist the cpu. I would avoid heat or cold, not to say it wont work, but will the cpu work afterwards?. This has happened may a time its best just to slowly wiggle the cpu back and forth it will give.
Sure that was AS5 or was it superglue? lol, sorry for not helping. You're in good hands here at the [H].
That happens a lot around here. just pry it with a screwdrive. Works for me everytime.
happened to me when i pulled off my hyper6+ and a 3200+ came with it...
i just gave it a little twist and off it came.
angel999 said:
Got two replies: one says freeze, the other says heat.:confused:

Okay, tell me this, is it going to be a problem if I dont do anything and let it be fused as it is right now. The system is working fine, its just that the fan goes into overdrive sometimes. I can live with that if my system is going to live. I just dont want to be the reason for spending money on a new CPU core right now :D

Thanks for the replies Talonz and Vulcanworlds!

Both will work, but of course if everything's working fine, then there's no need to remove it. That fact that it's stuck means you have good contact and very little air inbetween, which is a good thing ;)

Having your laptop CPU fan spin up (louder then usual) is normal for when you're using the CPU a lot.
Thanks for all the replies guys. I am thinking that I will let it be as it is right now. The system is working, the fan is noisy but I can live with that. The system has never overheated and shut itself off so I guess that's a good thing.

"If it aint broken, dont break it." I am going to follow that (for once :D)

Thanks again guys!
BigTaf said:
its not really fused. AS5 hardens with heat.

I don't think he ever got the AS5 put on, the stock stuff is the stuff that is lock on to the HS. Anyway, I have had this problem before and it helps to run the computer hard (prime or a game) for awhile to get it heated up. You don't have to worry about breaking anything, it gets that hot all the time when you use it.

The freezer might work too, but I've heard that before for breaking thermal adhesive, not thermal grease. I think it is aimed more at making the adhesive brittle, and heating is aimed at making the grease soften.

Thanks for all the tips guys! I finally took the bait (couldnt keep my hands off it :D) and tried it once again. I let the CPU heat up for some time (3 movies running at the same time :D) adn then opened it up. This time, it wasnt fused, so ot it out, cleaned up the heatsink and the CPU surface, then applied the thermal grease. Now, I just have to let it set in.

Thanks again for the help guys!
You can always try the fishing line method as well if it ever happens again, slide it between and move it in a saw fashion and it usually will remove the hold and not harm anything.
intel and oems use thermal pads... might as well call it wax(somtimes i think its no better then bee's wax)... you should have lapped the ihs and the heat sink.. or at least the heat sink