coupon codes for dell 2405 lcd

Dec 6, 2005
at least thats the search term i used 11ty thousand times before finding this place... mods pls edit any words that dont fit this forum, i'll try to watch it still...

ok, so not to become a total turd on post one, check this, i can beat all the current coupons on this dell panel... first of all i had several codes working from that dellf (lmfao) thread and there still are some good ones left.. i put in about 50 today, had around 8 working, only one applied to the lcd.. y'all are up to speed on this however already...

still, whoever is contributing those codes is kicking ass and helping ppl out, thats cool... thanks to you... so i was about to whore one myself and low and behold i decide to buzz the dell chat online whatever, to work that end as well, and ask for even more coupons just to be a complete pimp..

well after a bunch of BS and chat lag, he said they dont give them out and after i pushed enough (too much im sure) he finally told me to go google it... LMFAO.. been there doing that on the side while i was chatting... anyways i told dude he was slackin and just gimme the 800 number since he didn't know jack about the deals onthe phone side.. he posted that and killed the chat there.. bwahahahahaa... :eek:wned:

so with the cart set up at 1199, current deal at 20% off was 959, then a 45 off coupon from here (which is the greater of the 10/25/35/45 whatever bunch...) had that at 915 and also free ground shipping as well... so at this point i'm thinking dayyum, under a grand is a nice price, why bother calling these dudes up, i'll prolly get sent to india phone hell...

welp, call them up and if you are ready with visa in hand, you can hit them up for this... let them look up the 2405 and tell you '20% off applies' to this deal...959... then ask if there are any other coupons or discounts he can give you, he will come back and offer a 'one time offer of $60 off your order tonite' basically pushing your order on the phone there... 899... acting half interested, say well what about the shipping, can that be waived?? dude should come back with something like the first pitch and say, 'i can waive that if you order tonite' pushing you further to take the deal there... you then have the best possible deal all the while the dell guy is thinking they are baitin you into the order

so.. it may only be 15 bucks less than a 45 off deal, but if you dont have a good code to work with, you can do this on the phone and not need to know jack about anything, play dumb, and not have to pick another stupid stocking for 5 more plasma coupons

sorry for the mega post, but thats my contribution... 959 to open, 60 off that, free ship and a free call... thats what i got

let us know how you do.. maybe push for fedex too?!?! bwhahahaha... happy whoring :D:D:D
Ummm, not hot. THe 2405 was going for $850 like a week or so ago with discounts. A few months back it was $750, and many folks scored at <$700 by calling SB and talking them down. It's due to hit another big discount at the end of the quarter/year.
I got mine for 845 shipped and that included shipping and tax (live in Texas). I picked up mine up last month. I'd wait further to get it for 850 or less.
Malatov said:
Ummm, not hot. THe 2405 was going for $850 like a week or so ago with discounts. A few months back it was $750, and many folks scored at <$700 by calling SB and talking them down. It's due to hit another big discount at the end of the quarter/year.

Im curious to know Malatov, how could you talk a dell representative to give you the monitor for <700? That is an amazingly hot deal.
darkavenger626 said:
Im curious to know Malatov, how could you talk a dell representative to give you the monitor for <700? That is an amazingly hot deal.
Search the forums here, it was quite the buzz when it was going on. However due to a former Dell rep spilling some beans that he apparently shouldn't have, the deal closed up. But not before several folks got in on it. ;)
sorry Whisker Biscuit but that deal is not hot, I paid 780 for mine shipped and I would be you will see better deals at the end of the month or sometime in jan, specially sense the 30" is due out in a week or so and that might bring the price down alittle more, maybe.
Damn, for that much writing I expected 2 for the price of 1 and a free BJ
After the recent destruction of my first 2 month old 2405fpw, I've been checking hotdeals every day hoping for another 35% off coupon or some such. This thread did get my hopes up.

Hopefully soon, though.
SB, MB and Enterprise customers with reps can easily chop the price dow to 750 with very few issues on a good day.

I would love to see someone do a decent cost analysis on how much it cost them to produce the 2405 and have it ready to ship from their warehouses. From point A manufacturing to point Z ready to ship!
My bet is on around 350-450 each. I'm betting high just for saftey sake.
Dapperdan said:
you mean anything over 825 is crap

that or he's trying to say something along the lines of "you get what you pay for". either way it makes no sense since we're talking about special sale pricing here.
I got mine for $746 delivered almost 2 months ago.
35% off + $35 off + free shipping

My brother just called up like 2 weeks ago (got jealous of mine) and negotiated over the phone for $850, but he did get a 3 year warranty with his. Mine only had a 1 year warranty.
fluxion said:
that or he's trying to say something along the lines of "you get what you pay for". either way it makes no sense since we're talking about special sale pricing here.
Who knows what he's actually trying to say, most noobs can't elaborate on such things :rolleyes: