Couple of Vista 64 "issues"


Sep 21, 2003
By "issues" I mean, I don't know what I'm doing. I'm trying to add a printer that is attached to a networked (XPP 32) machine. By just searching the network, I find no printer. I can see (and use) the printer if I go through "Network" and look at the shared items from that computer. How can I set this printer as default on the Vista machine?

I have some errors with the sleep function. Apparently, after sleeping for some time, the machine thinks it shuts down. So, when I try to wake it up (whether by wiggling the mouse or by using the sleep button), it will boot as if from off, though the LED's and such are all still lit. The error code I get is:

I currently have it set to not sleep until I can solve this. Hibernate is turned off. The kicker is that it only does this intermittently, not every time it sleeps.
I've had issues installing printers on VIsta x64 if they were shared from an x86 system, like a server. Each time, I've had to manually load the Vista x64 drivers, and then I could successfully add the printers. I'm not sure how I'd go about this on a network printer that was just simply shared. My steps involved printers that had their own IP addresses, that I could print to directly.
I've had issues installing printers on VIsta x64 if they were shared from an x86 system, like a server. Each time, I've had to manually load the Vista x64 drivers, and then I could successfully add the printers. I'm not sure how I'd go about this on a network printer that was just simply shared. My steps involved printers that had their own IP addresses, that I could print to directly.


My XP Pro machine has a printer, and my Vista Ultimate 64 machine uses it through network share. Firstly, XP and Vista printer drivers are not identical. Secondly, the fact that your Vista is 64 bit might also contribute to incompatibility with the XP's shared driver.

The fix was simple for me: install the printer driver on the Vista machine as if the printer was on it. Once that's done, THEN search and attach printer from the network share, then the printer will use the Vista driver you've installed.

As for your sleep problem, I'm afraid I don't have a solution other than trying to see if each hardware has an ability to forgo sleep mode in Device Manager. Try disabling it one at a time as you find them and perhaps you'll find your offending hardware.