Couple of quesitons regarding unconventional dual monitors


Limp Gawd
Mar 28, 2007
Hey gurus whats happening

Anyway, I was fooling around with my 2007wfp (IPS) in portrait mode today and it got me thinking, LCD for web, text, (comic viewing) and CRT for games/movies. Sounds like the best of both worlds right on my desk. Problem is the way that a dual monitor setup often works. You have your primary display were all programs display first by default and all games use by default. In previous dual set up modes I would constantly have to switch my primary monitor again and again every time i wanted to play a game. Ugh. Is there anyway that I can set certain programs (or types of programs) to run on one display and other types to run on the other? I know dual view is there easy answer however my crt in mind (haven't purchased it yet, looking around for a new 19 re badged Sony) would not support 1050x1680.

Have any of you ever ran something like this? Your thoughts on this?

I'm running this all off a 9800gtx+.
If you're using Windows, you might try putting the Taskbar on the "apps" monitor, and set the "gaming" monitor as your primary monitor. This might work (I can't test it right now).

And I'll bet your CRT can support 1680x1050. You probably just need to add the resolution using NVIDIA Control Panel. What make/model is your CRT?
have p1110 and sony gmd 500. I know they support 1680x1050 and I'm sure they can do 1050x1680 in some weird ass way.
I'll try that tomorrow.
I'm using an FW900@1920x1200 & an NEC 225WNXM@1050x1680 (i.e. portrait). I have the LCD for web browsing, text editing etc.. as well as msg's, desktop gadgets, startbar. I'm running Windows 7 64.

The FW900 is dedicated to gaming and movies. It works quite well. Most programs seem to remember where I want them. So yes the first time I run a program it will load on the FW900 (which I keep off unless i'm gaming/watching movie), but after I've moved the program to the LCD and closed it, the next time it loads it will be on the LCD.

Provided that the game runs at the same res as the desktop (so 1920x1200) the LCD displays everything fine while I am gaming. It's nice as I can still see my msg's/widgets/programs/webpage.

If the game runs in a lower res, many of the programs get shifted to the right and some get cutoff on the right side of the screen (I have the LCD on the right of the CRT). Chaning the res ingame to 1920x1200 fixes this issue for most programs, but sometimes I need to adjust a couple.

Overall It's an excellent setup. The TN in portait is rather annoying, so I'll be buying an IPS or PVA soon I think.

I forgot to mention there are some programs which help you manage dual screens much better than Windows can do alone. Display Fusion is one such program. Quite handy I'm sure, but TBH I only use it for it's ability to have different wallpapers on each screen.
I'm also using an FW900 + TFT in portait (Dell 2209wa). You may want to give Winsplit Revolution a try. Being able to hit ctrl+alt+numpad to make a window fill the bottom 75% or top 25% (any value posible) is very useful for those times when window position is lost. It's far easier than trying to align things by hand :)