Counter-Strike:Source = Counter-strike 1.6: Now with more NURBS!


Supreme [H]ardness
Aug 3, 2002
Wow. I'm simply in awe at the number of fucking noobs that have taken over the game now. Every server, on almost every map, has at least one guy camping his spawn with some noob weapon...usually autosnipe, every now and again you see somebody with some semblance of skill using an AWP, but come on. I see so many Ts camping their spawn on dust2 with a rifle, and nobody even thinks twice about it. Didn't people use to get banned for shit like that?

Oh, and my favorite, the number of hackers. I guess a new hack recently came out, since there have been a lot more people that I've seen using it. There's never an admin around to ban 'em, you either have to put up with it and hope that you can kill them by teaming up on them, or leave, since it's pretty fucking stupid to play with somebody with an aim hack. Nobody even wants to acknowledge their presence either. I was just on two servers, each with one guy who was so fucking obviously cheating...both times, they were using Scout. I guess that's the "hacker gun to have" now, or something. They would follow people through walls, their aim would switch from somebody 10 feet in front of them to somebody 50 feet away behind a box, and their aim would also do a complete 180 spin in less than a second and end up right on somebody behind them. When I call them a hacker though, or tell people to FPV the person, everybody calls ME the noob and says that "I'm just angry I suck." Wow. I guess it's time to try Raven Shield.
Try out the 40 man fwf servers "free world fighters". Pretty non noobish server but i have seen the new speedhack there as well the other night unfortuntly! =/
It is all about the servers, find a good server.
some people can do 180's and fire, and it looks a lot like some aimbot. when i first got my 2nd edition icemat mousepad. i did a 180 and desert eagle headshot because i heard a guy behind me, not trying to brag here, but the point is, these moves are possible, and can happen without aimbots.

the more people that are really good at a game, the more cheating accusations will be flung.just a fact of life
It sall coincedence. I call CS 1.6 a more nubbish filled game than Source. Too many kids playing 1.6.
This is [H]ard forum, im sure somebody has a pretty good comp they could use a server, u be admin, u ban ppl who r nubs.
doh-nut said:
some people can do 180's and fire, and it looks a lot like some aimbot. when i first got my 2nd edition icemat mousepad. i did a 180 and desert eagle headshot because i heard a guy behind me, not trying to brag here, but the point is, these moves are possible, and can happen without aimbots.

the more people that are really good at a game, the more cheating accusations will be flung.just a fact of life

Oh, I know, I've done it before too. The simple fact that somebody spun around and got a headshot isn't what would make me think the guy is hacking. The part that would make me think (actually, know) that somebody is hacking is when I can't even hear the person in question behind them moving, and I have a pair of $200 headphones. At the very least the guy would be using heavily amplified footstep sounds, but the fact that he can do a 180 like that while scoped makes it extremely hard for me to believe that the guy is legit.

The same guy who did that went on to prove me right in the next round, he ran around the map with his Scout headshotting everybody willy nilly, some through boxes, others through walls. Guess he figured the jig was up and decided to become a complete asshole about it.
reminds me of the other day when a myG0t came into a server i was on. He used a speed hack and an aim hack. He would use the sg552 and just get a ridiculous amount of hs's before the round even really started. Then I guess he decided to embrace his noobism and started to use the sg550 (auto-nub) luckily he got the boot after a few rounds. (luckily he only killed the other team and not as since as it was a ff server, however that didnt stop us from killing him)
I get called a hacker all the time in CS:S but to be honest I dont see very many hackers. There was only one time I have seen a single hacker in CS:S and that was a speedhack. I hear all these people complaining about it but it never happens to me. Once in a while I will freak out and jump out of my chair and yell hacker but then I calm down a bit and spectate the player for a couple rounds an realize it was just a fluke. I have 7.1 speakers and I can hear nearly everything that goes on in CS:S. If one of my guys ran ahead in front of me and got shot I remeber where he got shot and where is the best possible location the enemy would be. Because of these things I get constantly called a hacker. I could have only been in a server for not even five minutes and have two killes and the hacking accusations start.


I died Later that round :(


Usually I am 3:1 ratio, this was just a lucky day.

Got a lot more screen shots if you want them. Because I hate all this hacker accusations. But I was aon a 40 player server the other day and their was a mygot fag but he wasnt allowed to join. He kept trying to reconnect untill the server crashed.
The reason there is so many hackers in Source is because VAC2 (Valve Anti Cheat) hasn't been released yet. Until Valve releases VAC2 you don't even have to worry about "new cheats" because none are detected anyway. Michael.R, congrats man! You got a good score in a shitty pub with stacked teams, AWSOME!!! And also finalgt all you had to say was that he was aimbotting, you didn't have to give us the whole play-by-play analysis...
The worst thing that hacks have done to online gaming is the following.

1) It's extremely hard to distinguish legitimate skill from somebody who is very good at hacking. Every now and again you'll run into people who just blatantly headshot everybody through walls and shit like that, just because they like the attention, or they don't have any more weed, or whatever. I wouldn't even be able to guess how many hackers there are who just use hacks to "augment" their existing ability, i.e. see through walls but be discrete about their knowledge of where the enemy is.

2) It's hard to know when somebody is actually relatively sure that somebody's hacking, and when somebody's just yelling "HAXOR!" because the guy killed them with a fluke headshot. It's almost impossible to differentiate any more, because people who don't even know how to pick out the hackers are found complaining about it a lot because they're upset with all the flukes in CS:S. And are there ever a lot of flukes, ever since Valve apparently doubled the size of the head hitbox.

I'm gonna give BF1942 another shot, see if I like it any better this time around.
Keller said:
The reason there is so many hackers in Source is because VAC2 (Valve Anti Cheat) hasn't been released yet. Until Valve releases VAC2 you don't even have to worry about "new cheats" because none are detected anyway. Michael.R, congrats man! You got a good score in a shitty pub with stacked teams, AWSOME!!! And also finalgt all you had to say was that he was aimbotting, you didn't have to give us the whole play-by-play analysis...

Ya I stacked the teams

But usually that server has decent players on it. Not so sure about that day.

To be honest CS:Source is a lot easier for me to get a bunch of kills then 1.6 is. Having a score of 11:1 or 16:3 isnt uncomman for a good player to get in CS:Source. 24:0 will probably never happen again, but atleast I did it without hacking. Even if I cant get 24:0 again I know I can still have a 15:8 and still be on top of the leader board.
I get called a hacker almost everytime I play, I get banned pretty frequently for stupid accusations also. Luckily I am in a clan with some buddies and two of them run a very good server, but when I venture out I can't believe how utterly stupid the community is in general. Of course CS also has one of the largest gaming communities there is so we get a ride range of skill level and age - bound to be quite a few nubs with such a large sampling of the gaming community.
I haven't encountered any hakcs in CSS as of yet. But I HAVE encountered them in 1.6 and it definitely ruins the fun. Although it was kind of hilarious when there were two hackers on terrorist that kept headshotting us....until we all bought sheilds and lined up phalanx style :D I am admin on a server and whenever a hacker comes in, I just jot down the steam id and I wait a while to ban them. First, I just abuse the hell out of them (99 slaps with 1 damage each, strip player of his guns, teleport to enemy spawn :D ) Then when the hack leaves I jus go ahead and ban =)....i don't tolerate hackers.
finalgt said:
Wow. I'm simply in awe at the number of fucking noobs that have taken over the game now. Every server, on almost every map, has at least one guy camping his spawn with some noob weapon...usually autosnipe, every now and again you see somebody with some semblance of skill using an AWP, but come on. I see so many Ts camping their spawn on dust2 with a rifle, and nobody even thinks twice about it. Didn't people use to get banned for shit like that?

Oh, and my favorite, the number of hackers. I guess a new hack recently came out, since there have been a lot more people that I've seen using it. There's never an admin around to ban 'em, you either have to put up with it and hope that you can kill them by teaming up on them, or leave, since it's pretty fucking stupid to play with somebody with an aim hack. Nobody even wants to acknowledge their presence either. I was just on two servers, each with one guy who was so fucking obviously cheating...both times, they were using Scout. I guess that's the "hacker gun to have" now, or something. They would follow people through walls, their aim would switch from somebody 10 feet in front of them to somebody 50 feet away behind a box, and their aim would also do a complete 180 spin in less than a second and end up right on somebody behind them. When I call them a hacker though, or tell people to FPV the person, everybody calls ME the noob and says that "I'm just angry I suck." Wow. I guess it's time to try Raven Shield.

99% of the time that someone like you comes on and starts bitching in the game after u get killed, it turns out that you just suck and the person that killed you has been playing far too long. I've been called a hacker so many times for pulling 102-14 scores on dust and trust me i don't hack.
here is a tip.. stay away from cs.. to any vets or skilled fps players, cs is a joke.. :rolleyes:
You're right. I probably just suck and don't want to admit it.



The other group of people who I fucking hate are the ones who hack just to "get back" at people who are hacking. Yeah, that's real mature. We can't just leave the server with the hackers in it, we can use their hacking to justify our hacking and piss even more people off.
Well, since this is basically a thread of complaints, here's mine (and one comment). Although I really enjoy the game, here's what I hate about CS:S:

1. Hackers. I wish their mouse hand would rot off.

2. "l33t haxor" kids that whine about all the "noobs" using some gun, or doing some arbitrary thing they don't like. News flash: if the gun is allowed on the server, then it's fine if anyone uses it. If someone is racking up a lot of kills with autosnipe, then use TEAM TACTICS to hand their butt to them, instead of being a whiner.

3. Anytime someone uses the word "l33t" or "pwned" to cut someone down, I can almost (almost) guarantee they're a 13-17 year old that does nothing but wack off to pornography and play CS:S. They have nothing to do but sit at home and hone their "l33t" skills.

4. I can't stand clans that use a public server to stack a team against anyone unfortunate enough to show up. It's their $, but doesn't mean I have to like it.

I also like the FwF servers. No particular reason, I just like playing on them. Thanks to those guys.

Bottom line: it's a game. I'm an average guy that enjoys playing this game win or lose, and I think once you remove the hacks, it can be a lot of fun, no matter what gun the other "noob" is using :) .
That's why you go to LANs.. At least there you can show that your game is legit. Playing some people online is sometimes hard to swallow just because there are a lot of people out there who pretend there legit and aren't. The thing is you never will know unless they slip up.
you play a game for fun. so if haxing is more fun, you hax. if you play a game just to be "omg liek heat0n", then you need to get a life.
Lord of Shadows said:
Am I the only one who thought he was talking about nurb curves?

That's exactly what I thought he was on about!!

But it turns out that he is bitching about people who cheat which is fair enough. But bitching about people who use the autosniper and awp is retarded. People always go on about how much of a newbie someone is if they use those weapons blah blah blah. Get over it, its a weapon that is a legit part of the game. Using it is nothing like using a hack or cheat.

And those of you that say "find a server that is good"...well I agree 100%...if you are on a server with someone you dont like or whatever then leave!!
kpedge said:
Well, since this is basically a thread of complaints, here's mine (and one comment). Although I really enjoy the game, here's what I hate about CS:S:

1. Hackers. I wish their mouse hand would rot off.

2. "l33t haxor" kids that whine about all the "noobs" using some gun, or doing some arbitrary thing they don't like. News flash: if the gun is allowed on the server, then it's fine if anyone uses it. If someone is racking up a lot of kills with autosnipe, then use TEAM TACTICS to hand their butt to them, instead of being a whiner.

3. Anytime someone uses the word "l33t" or "pwned" to cut someone down, I can almost (almost) guarantee they're a 13-17 year old that does nothing but wack off to pornography and play CS:S. They have nothing to do but sit at home and hone their "l33t" skills.

4. I can't stand clans that use a public server to stack a team against anyone unfortunate enough to show up. It's their $, but doesn't mean I have to like it.

I also like the FwF servers. No particular reason, I just like playing on them. Thanks to those guys.

Bottom line: it's a game. I'm an average guy that enjoys playing this game win or lose, and I think once you remove the hacks, it can be a lot of fun, no matter what gun the other "noob" is using :) .

And this guy has his head screwed on properly.
Lord of Shadows said:
Am I the only one who thought he was talking about nurb curves?
I was too :D Like an updated graphics engine or better models
Well, since I'm from the UK, quite a few of the people I play with are n00bs, BUT when I go and play on US servers I totaly OWN, because I have to admint 90% of US CS players are n00by, I've got a screenshot somewhere with me @ 90 kills, 9 deaths with 250 ping.

[EDIT] Couldn't find 90:9 KD pic because of harddrive wipe earlier this week (friend has it somewhere)
Heres a pic I took last night.. I suck
DemonDiablo said:
I think you need to get a life? Like do you speak some kind of advanced elite talk?

wtf do you mean. anyone who played cs for a month knows who heat0n is. and anyone who has been online for more than a few months now how to 1337 sp3ak
Your right Michael.R Source is much easier than 1.6. They completely ruined the recoil so all you have to do is spray and pray, they took away walling, the flashbangs are overpowered and they did a lot of other stuff to screw up a great game just to gear it more towards new players. If you wan't to have a laugh check out the Suggestions section of the Steampowered forums, people go in their with the most ridiculous ideas I have ever heard of my life. The sad thing is sometimes Valve actually listens to them (adding the AWP delay).
cs has degraded now to the point where it makes the original purpose of the game futile. ie no teamwork. i don't see the difference between this and other online fps team deathmatches.
Keller said:
Your right Michael.R Source is much easier than 1.6. They completely ruined the recoil so all you have to do is spray and pray, they took away walling, the flashbangs are overpowered and they did a lot of other stuff to screw up a great game just to gear it more towards new players. If you wan't to have a laugh check out the Suggestions section of the Steampowered forums, people go in their with the most ridiculous ideas I have ever heard of my life. The sad thing is sometimes Valve actually listens to them (adding the AWP delay).
Valve just wanna make $$$, at the cost of gameplay. They listen to new players and put features in the new players would like. Why should they listen to us older players? We're the suckers that have already payed for this game...
Source is about as far away from 1.6 as Halo is to Battlefield 1942.

Slight exageration there, but CS:S is junk.
Circuitbreaker8 said:
Is it me, or does CS:S look better than HL2 :confused:

Hmmm...I don't know, the imported older maps lack the detail that HL2 has, but new maps (like tides) looks REALLY good with lots of ambience and detail. Just an opinion...

I really wish for new maps for HL: DM. Hope to see some good ones soon.
I thought this was going to be a rant that CS:S is just better graphics from 1.6...because you know..."nurbs"