Counter Strike Global Offensive: BETA


[H]F Junkie
May 4, 2006
I want to see who else on here is gonna join us in the beta.

Me and German have our keys. do you? :)
I live 2 hours from where PAX was held, I should have got myself a ticket when I had the chance :/. I saw one place that would have you complete a survey then fill out some information to have a chance at getting a key, though I don't think it is legit.
I GOT ONE through a friend... :D

i was able to activate it but it popped up with a weird name...
Still regretting not going to PAX lol. Why do I torture myself coming back to this thread haha :rolleyes:.
quick noob question

for the release...when they say crossplatform

does this mean i can create my sever on my pc, play...and my cousin can join from his home through his ps3?

Ironically ValveTestApp739 was taken but wouldnt show up in the search results. :D

yesterday i noticed "Counter Strike: Global Offensive BETA" in my steam library...

quick noob question

for the release...when they say crossplatform

does this mean i can create my sever on my pc, play...and my cousin can join from his home through his ps3?

i want to know about this as well? is there group matchmaking?
yeah, pretty much simple...i make my server, just like with current CS...but i want to know if my cousin from his home on his ps3 can join me
quick noob question

for the release...when they say crossplatform

does this mean i can create my sever on my pc, play...and my cousin can join from his home through his ps3?
Just to be clear ill explain it fully.
Cross Platform means PC, MAC, and PS3 users will be playing with each other. Xbox 360 players will only play with other xbox 360 players due to Microsofts restrictions with Xbox Live. In the game there are to be 2 modes we know of so far. One is called Competitive Mode, the other is called Casual Mode. Competitive mode uses the matchmaking system and the ranking system. Those 2 things worth together to pair up fair teams and matches. Cross platform play will be only within the Competition Mode which uses Valve Servers only.

Casual mode is for PC and MAC only. This is where the dedicated servers will be. There is no matchmaking or ranking in Casual Mode. Casual Mode will have Valve Servers and all other servers. In Casual Mode PS3s will play with other PS3s and PC/MAC will play with PC/MAC

Keep in mind this is as of right now. Information is extremely limited. We also havent even gotten into Beta yet. Im sure there will be about a couple hundred thousand changes in beta. Even if its not possible when they release the game there could be a SVAR or CVAR that could allow it. If this doesnt happen then the last line of defense will be the community. Someone might make a mod that allows it. It just takes time and people getting their hands on it.

In my opinion its going to be alot easer to mod the PS3 installation than everyone thinks. The PC is modder friendly in every way. I think the PS3 will be very similiar. That is my opinion though.
yesterday i noticed "Counter Strike: Global Offensive BETA" in my steam library...

It does look like they changed it.

Also i have an extra beta key.
My brothers a big CS player but I don't think he has a beta key. He's gotten me into it a bit recently so if anyone has an extra key, I'd love to pass it along to him. If anyone has another, I'd like to play with him to :)
nice u guys already got cs: go in your steam library, wonder will valve do open beta or not
I'd totally make use of a beta key. I had no idea the beta was getting started so soon, that's awesome!
Too bad xbox360 can't play PC's and PS3 players. Oh well I only game on a PC anyways when it comes to FPS or RTS type games. I actually just got back into CSS after I bought my girlfriend a key for it so we could play. I really hope they do an open beta, or at least release some more keys, been looking forward to a new CS for a long time eventhough I'm a Source addict, GO would be amazing to test and play. Definately will be a purchase as soon as it is released.
I've been playing CS 1.6 competitively for several years and I don't really know what to expect from this game. I mean based on the videos, I'm hoping they're aiming more toward gameplay because the models already look like they were pieced together last minute for video promos. Waiting on potential open beta testing... unless someone's got that spare key for me ;)