Could use some information regarding inventory control systems and databases


Limp Gawd
Jun 17, 2003
I may be stretching the meaning of "Data Storage Systems" here, but I thought I'd give it a shot. Mods, if this is in the wrong place, please let me know.

Anyway, I work for a department-specific (not campus wide) IT department at a large University. We support about 200 users and about 300-350 computers (labs and classrooms). Currently, we've been using pure manpower and Excel to gather inventory info (door-to-door, writing down computer model, room#s, printer info, etc.) This info. is put into an excel spreadsheet that we use to keep track of everything. We have machines distributed across the campus (which is about one square mile) so it's difficult to find time out of the normal schedule when we can go do all of the inventory.

Obviously, this system is not very efficient.

We would like to invest in a simple system in which we can do the following:

1.) Create barcode stickers for our hardware.
2.) Connect the barcodes to an SQL database that contains the information we have in the spreadsheet. (so, computer X has barcode Y that, when scanned and uploaded, tells us where the computer is supposed to be located, when the computer was purchased, the name of the computer, the service tag, and all other relevant info.)
3.) A decent barcode scanner with decent and easy to use software that can export the scanner information to the SQL databse.

All we're looking for is something simple and fairly easy to use. We have experienced database coders, so that won't be a problem. I've done a bit of research through google and most of what I find are large-scale enterprise systems for multiple warehouses, POS systems, and shipping/receiving systems.

Any information you folks can provide will be much appreciated :)

Tyler J.
I would call your property management department and find out what system they use, and then piggyback on their license if possible.
You should RFID everything, put sensors in everyroom and you can poll the rooms hourly if you wanted too!

Ok more seriously and budget minded.

99% of scanners your going to buy will just hook into a machine and become a keyboard. Your basically going to need to spend the time to populate the db and keep it updated as new hardware comes in.

Im curious what exactly is your intention on reducing time. Either way your still going to need to manually go around and tag/collect data.

Is this something that has be to done quarterly/annually/ect?
Is this something you just want to save time on bringing up what you have for assets?
What kind of budget?

If you look for barcode creating software I find that BarTender is better, I think my lic for it was $300.