Could this be done? (Use a pre-existing design)


[H]F Junkie
May 3, 2001
Well I've got kind of a weird idea in the works, but I'll spare you the details.

What I would like to do, is to .. oh .. "borrow" the design of an autotrader-esque site and use it for my own purposes. Obviously COMPLETELY stripped down and de-branded but...

Is this doable? Aside from the moral and legal issues... Can it be done? I have zero talent and no cash for a professional design so... Eh... Get back to me.
Sure; neglecting legal and moral issues, you can steal the design of any site you'd like.

Stealing the implementation? That's a different question.
If it's just the design, you could probably manage. I would estimate that bodging it to fit your site would be a bit more work than creating something similar yourself, but that would depend on how complicated it is.

You'll still have to find or make a working backend, though, and that's a bigger problem.
sounds to me like your idea is to make a site thats going to earn you a lot of money without putting any in. Let me tell you, it aint gonna happen. :rolleyes:

You can get someone to create a design that is based off autotrader for pretty cheap, but as said, you still need someone to code the site and backend, which is not cheap by far.
BBowermaster said:
sounds to me like your idea is to make a site thats going to earn you a lot of money without putting any in. Let me tell you, it aint gonna happen. :rolleyes:

You can get someone to create a design that is based off autotrader for pretty cheap, but as said, you still need someone to code the site and backend, which is not cheap by far.

w00t for webmasters .... cha-ching$$$$
BBowermaster said:
sounds to me like your idea is to make a site thats going to earn you a lot of money without putting any in. Let me tell you, it aint gonna happen. :rolleyes:

You can get someone to create a design that is based off autotrader for pretty cheap, but as said, you still need someone to code the site and backend, which is not cheap by far.

LOL no. No money. At all. Going in OR coming out. (Well, domain + dirt cheap hosting)

Yeah I mean honestly if I could just spend a few hours in my free time basically reverse engineering a site I like for my own use in HTML probably using got-damn NOTEPAD I'd be sort of into it. Plus I can actually keep it up and not be TOO worried about legal backlash.

I mean... there is a really slight chance that someone may take it seriously and get something sold on this NOVELTY site, and that would make my fscking DECADE here but... its just... totally off the wall ridiculous and, just a "novelty" site.
Why are you wanting to clone someone else's site?

Just get a content management system like Mambo or Joomla, add in whatever modules you need, and find or make a template that suits your needs. You'll need to spend some time learning to use the system, but once it's up you'll have a free, stable, flexible, and--most importantly--completely legal/ethical site.
Pfff yeah alright I'm kinda over the idea anyway, lot of wokr, these novelty sites are flash-in-the-pan anyway, so..!! haha