Could this be because of my Monitor?


Jul 5, 2005
Alright so I got a new Samsung 740N yesterday, and I'm trying to run all my games at the native resolution (1280x1024). I tried to bump up my resolution in CoD2 and it dropped my FPS so low that it was unplayable, so I put it back to 1024x768, and the problem was corrected. But I'm getting these things lines on the floor sometimes throughout this level.


I'm running the game at

Refresh Rate: 60Hz (What it's at on my desktop aswell)
Texture Filter: Bilinear
Anti-Aliasing: 2x
Rendering Method Preference: Auto
Sync Every Frame: No
Shadows: Yes
Number of Dynamic Lights: High
Soften Smoke Edges: Everything

I have a 6600GT, those lines would'nt come out my CRT, and I know the quality of and LCD and CRT are'nt the same, but anyways wanted to know if it's the monitor, a setting, or the game.

It does'nt bother me that much, but if it can be fixed then even better. :)
No it shows up in-game, I just took the screenshot to show you guys. But that's in-game.
If it is in the screen shot it isnt from the monitor, if it was caused by the monitor it wouldnt be in the screenshot.
Leviathan3328 said:
If it is in the screen shot it isnt from the monitor, if it was caused by the monitor it wouldnt be in the screenshot.

agreed, i would assume something with hardware, or drivers.
Right ..a monitor defect would not show up in a screenshot like that so you need to look elsewhere for the problem, have you tried updating to the latest Forceware 81.94 drivers yet? Also what kind of GPU temps are you seeing (Im not sure if 6600's have a temp readout) , overheating can cause various glitches to occur as well.
I was running the 81.84 drivers, I just downloaded the new ones. Going to install and see if the problem persists.
Problem's fixed, I don't know if it was the new drivers, or maybe because I kept changing my resolution in-game, but it's fixed now. Thanks guys.