could someone with windows xp 64 beta try this plz


Feb 22, 2002
1. Click start + Run
2. Type "cmd" and press enter
3. type "echo %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%" and press enter

this just reads the environment variable processor_architecture

does it say amd64 ? ia64 ?
Dunno about xp64 as I got frustrated with the lack of drivers that function correctly, but under xp pro it says x86
I successfully got the MS Windows XP64 beta to install. Its a pretty good OS but there is a lack of drivers for alot of hardware. It ran my games considerably slower but I know that is due to lack of driver support. Your best bet for now is to stick with XP Pro or try a LINUX distro... Mandrake 10.0 works great. Although I have to use a dual boot system so that I can still use certain programs but my two 250GB hard drives can handle it. :p
i had it installed, but am waiting for the new release end of this month.
i tried 3 flavors of linux, and NONE of them would install...i dont know why people like it so much, its too damn hard to make it work. they would all hang during the install process.

opps, we are threadhijacking
Are they releaseing the official Windows XP 64 or are you speaking of somthing else. As for LINUX the Mandrake 10.0 intalls and recognizes all amd 64 installations also recognizes most hardware. Will not recognize internal winmodems but if you are using an AMD 64 why would you be using dial up ;) .... If you need a copy of mandrake linux 10.0 let me know and I will mail it to you. I got the ISO's from the Mandrake website or try :eek:
ALYNCH75 said:
I successfully got the MS Windows XP64 beta to install. Its a pretty good OS but there is a lack of drivers for alot of hardware. It ran my games considerably slower but I know that is due to lack of driver support. Your best bet for now is to stick with XP Pro or try a LINUX distro... Mandrake 10.0 works great. Although I have to use a dual boot system so that I can still use certain programs but my two 250GB hard drives can handle it. :p
W1zzard is experimenting again and probably knows full well what he's doing (i think :D ). I'm sure he also knows about the current disadvantages of XP64 ;)