
Feb 23, 2003
Dammit wtf, the site is already down and they aren't even selling the PS3 until 9am PST I thought :mad:
That's cause the PS3 is the greatest super machine to ever grace our humble earth. :rolleyes:

Honestly though I'm trying to get my hands on one to make a few grand.
already sold out :-( so much for the appointed time to sell the system.
Circuit City has a PS3 bundle. I shit myself with joy until I realized it's the 20GB version :rolleyes:
it could be up again, im trying to refresh the page now. Could have showen sold out to scare folks off.
Snarf said:
some people do not know what PST means,

I certainly do, and I thought it was going on sale at 9am PST. So, I went to the site to setup a costco account with my card and noticed the site wasn't working well. I must have had the wrong time for some reason.
MrFace said:
I certainly do, and I thought it was going on sale at 9am PST. So, I went to the site to setup a costco account with my card and noticed the site wasn't working well. I must have had the wrong time for some reason.

The link showed up on their front page around 15 minutes early. I was able to put one in my cart, but I have not been able to checkout. It is probably not in the cart by now anymore.
the_bear said:
The link showed up on their front page around 15 minutes early. I was able to put one in my cart, but I have not been able to checkout. It is probably not in the cart by now anymore.

Yeah, i caught it when it first went listed, havent been able to check out.

Added to cart but site is just slammed down...
Their website barely works on a regular day, I was surprised I was even able to get the product page to come up and click the add button.
I think this is going to end up a battle of the most persistent.

Or maybe we broke their servers and they are trying to fix it now.
wonder if leet internets would help?!?

ps. havent gotten a page to load in 15 mins.
palabared said:
wonder if leet internets would help?!?

There is probably smoke pouring out of their web server right about now, sitting at the terminal probably would not help.
Im really curious if ANYONE has been able to get a single order through. I refreshed right as the advert for the PS3 popped up, and have been trying since then.
4saken said:
Im really curious if ANYONE has been able to get a single order through. I refreshed right as the advert for the PS3 popped up, and have been trying since then.

Same here, I refreshed once while their page was being changed and got the error graphic, then hit refresh immediately and saw the ps3 advert.
I really doubt anyone has successfully ordered. The servers seem completely hosed. My guess is that they'll be down for a while and randomly reappear to the delight of some extremely lucky individuals.

Why they don't just have you enter your email and have a lottery I have no idea...
hey lets sell some console, we dont care if we dont sell anything else at

great idea....

they will probably be up at random later
Snarf said:
hey lets sell some console, we dont care if we dont sell anything else at

great idea....

they will probably be up at random later

Lol yeah...really sucks to be them, i mean they make no money off of the limited quantities of consoles selling, and on top of that they make no money on the rest of the merchandise while the servers get taken down. Bad deal for all retailers.
Kevlarman said:
Bah! Do I continue to flog or :rolleyes:

Im personally going to keep flogging. There is no way anyone has gotten through because no one has reported even a single success yet. Its just going to automagically let us through eventually, and i would hate to miss that window.
if they were really sold out, wouldn't they just remove the link?

I am still trying to just login to the site, that still doesnt work
Snarf said:
if they were really sold out, wouldn't they just remove the link?

I am still trying to just login to the site, that still doesnt work

Their IT guy probably can't login to their servers. LOL
This is all I get from their site when trying to add to cart.
Server Error in '/' Application.

Runtime Error 
Description: An application error occurred on the server. The current custom error settings for this application prevent the details of the application error from being viewed remotely (for security reasons). It could, however, be viewed by browsers running on the local server machine. 

Details: To enable the details of this specific error message to be viewable on remote machines, please create a <customErrors> tag within a "web.config" configuration file located in the root directory of the current web application. This <customErrors> tag should then have its "mode" attribute set to "Off".

<!-- Web.Config Configuration File -->

        <customErrors mode="Off"/>

Notes: The current error page you are seeing can be replaced by a custom error page by modifying the "defaultRedirect" attribute of the application's <customErrors> configuration tag to point to a custom error page URL.

<!-- Web.Config Configuration File -->

        <customErrors mode="RemoteOnly" defaultRedirect="mycustompage.htm"/>
Looks like they are slowly bringing it back up, I am at least able to see the home page, but checkout and cart still give errors.
Damn their site won't even come up for me now.
This morning I was refreshing constantly at it was slow but the site still worked.
Looks totally dead to me now.

So nobody got any of them ?
Even on FW and SD ?
They were up at 7:45AM PST.

I was able to get to the place where they had them, and I was able to add one to my cart. By the time I loaded up again there was nothing in the cart. I went back to the page and they were sold out. How sad.
Killdozer said:
They were up at 7:45AM PST.

I was able to get to the place where they had them, and I was able to add one to my cart. By the time I loaded up again there was nothing in the cart. I went back to the page and they were sold out. How sad.

Seems like the story for everyone.

Just gotta keep an eye on it for it to come back up.