Cosmo issue with VirtualBox.


[H]ard DCOTM x2
Mar 1, 2014
I have VB installed, but it STILL tells me I don't in the log. Anyone else having this issue? This is on a windows box running an i5-4690k. I have not tried on any other systems yet. They all run Linux.

The virtualization options in the BIOS are turned on and I have VB installed. What more do I need to do?

I am even running VB, although I don't know if I even need to leave it running or not.
Yes. I also removed the part of client state the website suggested.
Still struggle to get it installed under CentOS 7.5 .. don’t let me install the kernel driver from VB5.2.. some dependency still missing
For some reason, I never install the VB that comes with the BOINCmgr. I get this directly from Oracle virtualbox website.

Might want to check cosmo FAQ to see if it helps.

There are other BOINC projects that still utilizing VB such as LHC or using VB to your advantage like Goofyxgrid, so it will be good to get this going for future challenges.
I downloaded VB right from Oracle a la my google search.
I got 5.2.16 from repo, not from boinc ... still slowly try to get it on

Update: its just too hot for my brain to work

I had a clash between running kernel version and kernel-headers ... fixed that and now I get

22-Jul-2018 03:42:00 [---] OS: Linux CentOS Linux: CentOS Linux 7 (Core) [3.10.0-862.9.1.el7.x86_64|libc 2.17 (GNU libc)]
22-Jul-2018 03:42:00 [---] Memory: 125.63 GB physical, 4.00 GB virtual
22-Jul-2018 03:42:00 [---] Disk: 874.63 GB total, 818.46 GB free
22-Jul-2018 03:42:00 [---] Local time is UTC +2 hours
22-Jul-2018 03:42:00 [---] VirtualBox version: 5.2.16r123759

Try again with C@H now
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I downloaded VB right from Oracle a la my google search.

Did you download and install the VB multi platform extension pack from the Oracle website?

I haven't run VB with Windows since last Summer but when I was struggling during last year's Pentathlon (which had both Cosmo and LHC events) I found this thread to be useful for fault finding. Just ignore the references to the LHC Atlas app.

It helped with most issues but IIRC I ended up using the nuclear option on one rig and uninstalled VB/Boinc in addition to deleting all the boinc data folders. That worked!
Did you download and install the VB multi platform extension pack from the Oracle website?

I haven't run VB with Windows since last Summer but when I was struggling during last year's Pentathlon (which had both Cosmo and LHC events) I found this thread to be useful for fault finding. Just ignore the references to the LHC Atlas app.

It helped with most issues but IIRC I ended up using the nuclear option on one rig and uninstalled VB/Boinc in addition to deleting all the boinc data folders. That worked!

I downloaded the extensions. I am not sure if they worked or not. I only get the error when there are docker tasks to download and my client tries lol. Otherwise it could go hours without seeing the error.
What are the other Virtual Box projects so I can test them? Want to avoid this issue for future sprints.
LHC (everything except SixTrack application)
LHC-dev - same as LHC
RNA World - good luck getting any tasks but if you do, let them run

pretty much dead but someone didn't turn off the lights.... Climate@home (not to be confused with Climate Prediction)
GPUGrid had an application for testing a few years back but I think it has been given up on completely.
All other projects that used it have pretty well closed up shop as well.
I find VB great for project like Goofyxgrid if your rig has sufficient RAM and to a lesser extent CPU cores. Also good for projects like the dead Sztaki and perhaps CASathome. I would recommend at least having some familiarization with VB, so when the time comes, we are ready to rock n roll.
It is also good to have a VM with an alternative OS installed for those moments when work is only available for one and not the others. Fire it up and go rather than spend an out or more setting one up on the fly.
Well, when I actually get VB to even be recognized, then I will become familiar with it lol
Just a thought... are you installing the 64 bit version of Vbox and the 64 bit version of BOINC?
Just a thought... are you installing the 64 bit version of Vbox and the 64 bit version of BOINC?

VB, yes.. just checked BOINC and its a solid nope!

I am running the WCG Boinc installer as well, which could cause an issue. I originally started there. I could probably try and install the actual Boinc manager, verify 64bit and try again.
yes...pull the WCG version which is outdated and quite frankly has had problems historically (older versions anyway). Use the 64bit version from Berkeley. If that still fails...pull both off... restart... install the BOINC + VB version downloaded from Berkeley...test...then upgrade to the newest VBox version..then install extensions pack. Keep it all 64bit to eliminate issues. I do know that the 32bit version of vbox can cause issues...
yes...pull the WCG version which is outdated and quite frankly has had problems historically (older versions anyway). Use the 64bit version from Berkeley. If that still fails...pull both off... restart... install the BOINC + VB version downloaded from Berkeley...test...then upgrade to the newest VBox version..then install extensions pack. Keep it all 64bit to eliminate issues. I do know that the 32bit version of vbox can cause issues...

I ended up downloading the one from Berkeley with VB and 64bit. I luckily had the WCG one installed in a different location than default, so the new Boinc install went to its own folder and picked up where the WCG install was on tasks. Tested on Cosmos and good to go.

Thread solved! It was likely my x86 Boinc install.
Double check the version packaged with BOINC. In the past it wasn't up to date enough for the other vbox projects. I haven't looked in a while.
Nevermind...I just checked and 5.2.8 should work fine.