Corsair Value Select 1GB Kit


Jun 27, 2004
I'm set on getting Corsair Value Select 1GB Kit (CL2.5). I can get it for about 240$ CAN before tax.

Is this memory in anyway overclockable? I'm looking to keep the PC3200 speeds but I would maybe like to tighten the timings a little. What chips are used on the modules? I couldn't find any reviews so I'm doing the next best thing...

Tell me what you think. All first hand experience is welcome! If you overclocked the RAM, please be specific with the clock speed attained with the timings and voltage. It happens too often I see people just write that they overclocked and it's not much help :rolleyes: I hate that...

Thanks! :D
i am also looking at this memory. I wonder how much of a performance increase from this and the xms?
I want it for the one-gig-of-ram goodness. That and I'm wondering if it'll do CL2.0...
im almost considering a different brand... i think corsair charges a premium for their mem. Im looking at Mushkin