Corsair TwinX 3200XL or TwinX 3200


Feb 5, 2005
Heres the specs of my new computer.
MSI NEO4 Platinum S939 PCI-E
MSI Geforce 6800 128mb
AMD 3500+ S939 venice core

2x512mb of Corsair TwinX 3200XL or 4x512mb of Corsair TwinX 3200.
Because corsair TwinX 3200XL cost about 2 times more than regular Corsair TwinX 3200.

I think im better with all slots of memory full but i want some advice before i make a choice.

Thank You.... :)
A64 doesn't like having 4 sticks of double sided...if you need 2GB for some reason you should try to stick with 2x1GB. Also, does it have to be Corsair?
Theres no problem with 4 sticks of memory with venice core... i may be wrong but its supposed to work with it
It'll work, sure. But you've got pretty good odds you'll have to run at 2T, which would suck.
so what should i do? buy 2x1024 instead of Corsair PC3200 or 2x512 Corsair PC3200XL?
2x1GB if you have reason to think 2GB of memory will help your system's performance (you haven't said yet what you're using the computer for, so I can't comment intelligently on it's usefulness either way).

Otherwise go for 2x512MB (which is usually as much as most things need, and easier/cheaper to get lower latency / higher clock rate memory).

You might check Crucial out, apparently their value line 1GB modules have a fair amount of headroom...I'm still waiting on results as to how much, but it's worth a look. Also where capacity is important speed tends to be less so (and visa versa).