Corsair SP2500, one speaker dead out of warranty


Supreme [H]ardness
Feb 23, 2009
So I bought a Cosair SP2500 speaker set about 2.5 years ago, and just recently one of the two speakers died completely, and the other one hisses pretty bad. Anyone have any suggestions? The warranty is 2 years according to their site, so am I just SOL? Or is there any chance I might be able to fix it? I don't even know if it's the speaker or something in the sub/base. This was my first Corsair product, and might be my last unfortunately. I have so many computer parts and electronics all over the place and other than hard drives, this is the only thing I've ever had just up and die on me, and it is one of the highest-end products I've ever bought new. :/
hi.. not super familar with these speakers but I do have a couple thoughts.

1. I'm honestly not sure at all what they offer but maybe consider contacting corsair about out of warranty repair options / costs

2. you might want to give this review of these speakers from johnny guru a look as it has a fairly detailed tear down. (pages 6 and 7)

I would think pulling the power board and amp board and taking a look for cold solder joints / bulging caps (the JG review isn't super stoked on the caps used to begin with).

worst comes to worst and you want to bag it fairly inexpensive option

t-amp + bookshelf speakers (new or use/vintage)
Corsair support is very nice and helpful. Contact them to see what it would cost for out of warranty work. They are on my A list for companies that stand behind their product.