Corsair H70 CPU Water Cooling System

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Tweaknews has just posted a review of the Corsair H70 liquid cooling system. The review is positive overall and even earned an award from the TN crew. You can see our review here for comparison purposes.

Like the H50, Corsair's H70 is a turnkey system that requires no assembly or maintenance, it is relatively easy to install, has very good cooling performance and is priced only slightly more than higher-end air coolers. The design is thoughtful and the materials and workmanship seem to be quite good, and you're unlikely to find a liquid cooling system that is quicker or easier to install.
I really want to trade in my H50 for this H70.

Maybe I will sell it to my bro once he gets his system built :D then buy a H70 for me .. muhahahahahaha
i just got this for my 980x build


full load 6 cores all 12 threads F@H

and im one core is 70c rest are at 65ish or lower.
If you have an H50 already, it's not much of an upgrade to be honest. Yes, it will cool better by 5-10ºc. However, if you're not looking to overclock higher then you are (assuming you are since you have a high-end cooler) it won't matter much.
920 @ 4.2Ghz :D

Temps are in the low 60s no matter what load I put on it... I am sure the H70 would be a waste, but better I have it then my brother ... haha
i kept my h50 on my q9300 and ordered a h70 when i ordered my 980c
I'm not seeing too much of a point to go with this over a giant slab of metal (like some of the better performing heatsinks in the round up). You still have fans to deal with and a great deal of bulk in that general area.

I guess not having a 3lb monster hanging off your MB is a bit more comforting, but at least you don't have to deal with possible leaks.
I'm not seeing too much of a point to go with this over a giant slab of metal (like some of the better performing heatsinks in the round up). You still have fans to deal with and a great deal of bulk in that general area.

I guess not having a 3lb monster hanging off your MB is a bit more comforting, but at least you don't have to deal with possible leaks.

but its so nice and quiet compared to fans blowing on that huge hunk of metal.
We posted a review of the H70 a month ago (different site, of course). The H70 compared well with the Noctua NH-D14 on temps and noise... unless you cranked the H70's fans up to 2000rpm. It was still beat by air, though, even at 2000rpm.
dumb question how do you switch the fan speed up to 2000rpm on the h70 i do not see any switches.