Corsair H70 available at Amazon NOW - 5 left

Yeah but I've got a desktop that is being shipped cross country this week and I'd like to put the H70 in as soon as I reassemble it :D.

I'll make more than $20 doing work instead of taking the time out swapping a heatsink for the 2nd time.
Yeah but I've got a desktop that is being shipped cross country this week and I'd like to put the H70 in as soon as I reassemble it :D.

I'll make more than $20 doing work instead of taking the time out swapping a heatsink for the 2nd time.

I can understand that.
Just got an email that it is available from NewEgg as well. Don't know how many there are though.
I have purchased more than one thing from Antonline only to learn that they never had stock of that item. The swore that the item had been shipped and had this 'cock and bull" story about them shipping direclty to the nearest distribution point and that their packages often did not show up on UPS tracking until the day of delivery, yadda yadda. Bottom line is that they did not have stock and never shipped. I got a refund weeks later, but never items. Lost a good deal on the item from another source because Antonline claimed that they had already shipped my order.
Well here's to hoping that I get it in a few days. Otherwise I'm sure my CC will reverse the charge. If they did that to my order, I'll be taking up with Amazon.

Now you have me wondering if I should just order it from NewEgg...:mad:...Amazon won't let me cancel the order so...shoot.
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I wish amazon would just get rid of the other retailers on their site.
It looks more and more like ANTOnline has pulled the same BS on my order. They marked the order as about to ship more than a day ago, has not shipped it, and will not respond to my emails.

Time to play hardball. I demanded they either provide a tracking number by the end of the day or cancel the order.

Actually a good number of Amazon people are good sellers. ANTOnline needs to be banned though.

UPDATE: Assholes did not have the H70 in stock, and they knew this on Tuesday but did not tell me. Now I am without a cooler and really needed it for this weekend. Now I am probably going to just have to order from NewEgg and maybe get it Monday if I pay $35 in shipping. Fucking wonderful.

...and NewEgg is not in stock again. Great! Thanks ANTOnline!!! Cannot wait to leave a review of their service on Amazon. Corsair H50 here I come!
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Ended up picking up the H50 from Best Buy, works great, and Amazon's fraud department might start investigating ANTOnline now.
Ended up picking up the H50 from Best Buy, works great, and Amazon's fraud department might start investigating ANTOnline now.

Corsair H50 keeps my AMD Athlon II X4 620 Propus at 26-31c idle and 35c while playings games, plus i haven't install my intake face yet. :D

thermaltake armor case, side panel off and all the front 5.25 covers are off.

friend of mine got a i7 920 something intel and his H50 runs at 45c, hotter then mine, plus he has everything installed while i don't. :cool:
