Corsair Announces Cooling Hydro Series H50 CPU Cooler

Hey Redbeard, regarding those 2 pictures from Computex... What is the CPU temperature listed on the screen (80 C with the True, and 65 C with the H50) actually reading? Is it the CPU temp sensor, or is it one of the actual i7 core temps? I'm not familiar with whatever app is displaying those statistics.
Well I have to say I am surprised. I have seen this type of unit before and most of them have been TRASH. The H50 is not trash.

These are OPEN BENCH numbers taken with Real Temp against a TRUE, using the same fan that was supplied with the H50 (dont have specs on it yet). This is a 965ES on the GENE.

1.4vCore 29*133=3.857GHz/1600 - Idle – 43-42-41-38 Load— 88-88-84-83

TRUE with H50 fan.
1.4vCore 29*133=3.857GHz/1600 - Idle –42-41-41-37 Load 90-89-86-84

Given that these are open bench numbers, I have NO DOUBT that the H50 when properly setup with it pulling ambient air across the radiator while the full TRUE is hampered inside the case is going to get destroyed. Probably 15F to 25F delta????
Kyle, my earlier post in this thread had i7 over 4 GHz @ 1.4V VCORE with the original Asetek LCLC at 83 C peak with LinX + Prime95 in a less than cool room. So, let's hope putting it in a case makes it meet or exeed this... or I'll be disappointed.

Quick 'instant' test right now (15 minute LinX + Prime95), with VCORE set to 1.44V With VDroop (1.4V at load)... 83-80-80-76. Room ambient 27 C. Of course, it's not completely fair to compare non-identical chips... but I've experienced relatively consistent voltage/heat results for Nehalem, even between C0/D0.
oh man! I just found out tonight that I need a better cooling solution to really get my system to run 100% stable all the time. (Like a dumbass I unchecked the "hyperthreading" box on OCCT so the one runs I thought were good, were not true 100% load! :eek:) What I'm wondering is if I should pull the plug on a CoolIt Domino ALC, or wait for the Corsair H50?

Note: I've backed off on my overclock for now. And none of the games I've tried so far load the CPU enough to cause issues. Still I can currently buy the CoolIt for $71.25 with free shipping. And I seriously wonder if the H50 can do better?

Kyle what have you heard about the CoolIt Domino ALC? Is it garbage? or might it come close to this H50?
The Domino ALC has a lot of favorable reviews across the board, but the main complaint about it is the fan noise at higher speeds. I think it should be compared against the H50 in a review.
This should work in a Sugo SG05. Just mount the fan/radiator in the front, space should be fine? Would be great to cool powerful SFF systems.
Redbeard, etc. is reporting that the Corsair reps at Computex claim the H50 is significantly different from the original Asetek LCLC design.

"Its been designed by Corsair in association with Asetek, but while it’s based on the rubbish LCLC, Corsair told us almost the only aspect that has stayed the same is the reliability of the tubing seals and the fact that it’s a pre-filled, sealed system with a single 120mm fan. The H50 has a new radiator, a new pump and a new coldplate and has been through “six or seven major revisions” before being its performance was deemed satisfactory. "

Look, another "rubbish" LCLC comment for Asetek. My performance with my old and it looks like "rubbish" LCLC is just fine.
I am starting to become a Corsair fanboy. My 620W Corsair PSU is easily running my overclocked 920 and GTX295 and I am also using 6GB of their DDR3 as well. I think I might be in with Steve and get the case and cooler. I believe in supporting companies that know how to treat a Hard consumer.:)
I like their RAM alot. Have 4 sets of their memory currently. I even decided to buy some of their memory fans today - for use on my sets of Dominator memory. Plus I also got one of their powersupplies for my most recent build.

But I'm leary of expecting too much out of Any company. And in this particular instance, I need / want superior performance, which depends on the pump and waterblock. This is something they aren't showing, or talking about directly. Apparently they did tell the Bit-Tech guys some revisions were made to the Asetek design. Still the proof is in the "pudding" (so to speak!).

Also I have personal experience with Koolance products. So I'm inclined to put together a custom system with their parts, even though I know it will be pricey. It's just that their gear is high quality.
I called up FrozenCPU today and they are expecting the units in a couple weeks.

Hope HardOCP gets the review units tested soon so I can decide if I want this water based cooler or the Megahalem for cooling my new i7.

Keep up the good work guys. Love the site. Long time lurker, first time poster.

I like their RAM alot. Have 4 sets of their memory currently. I even decided to buy some of their memory fans today - for use on my sets of Dominator memory. Plus I also got one of their powersupplies for my most recent build.

But I'm leary of expecting too much out of Any company. And in this particular instance, I need / want superior performance, which depends on the pump and waterblock. This is something they aren't showing, or talking about directly. Apparently they did tell the Bit-Tech guys some revisions were made to the Asetek design. Still the proof is in the "pudding" (so to speak!).

Also I have personal experience with Koolance products. So I'm inclined to put together a custom system with their parts, even though I know it will be pricey. It's just that their gear is high quality.

Corsair makes great RAM. I've only seen two modules fail out of several sets of the stuff. Its all we test with and frankly, I abuse our test RAM pretty badly. I've over volted the crap out of it on some boards to get a better overclock and I've run them past their normal rated clock speeds by large amounts in some cases. Corsair memory is in almost all of my personal machines.
Looking forward to the review! I've been satisfied with my TRUE, but this looks like it could be something new for many of us to try in the near future!
Well it won't be me testing it. Probably Kyle and after that the guy who writes the cooling hardware reviews.

Whoever does the review, noise levels would be greatly appreciated. My current PC is almost as silent as my iMac thanks to the Zalman CPU fan and Corsair PSU that I'm using (swapping out my 8800GT for a GTX 285 for my main video card did the rest), but I barely want to detect a hum out of the i7 PC I'm building this October. :)

If this thing does the trick, awesome, I'll buy it in a second. Maybe two. :D
Asetek made a formal statement about the Corsair H50 product now. They confirmed the newly improved coldplate, and a new 120mm radiator... and Corsair is the lucky first partner to deliver a mainstream product based on it.

And yes, it will trickle down to OEM customers (like HP, CyberPower, etc.) as the year goes on... so it's not a Corsair exclusive design. So it's all good...
One quote from Asetek, for reference:

"Luckily we had developed a new cold plate technology as well as a new radiator, and Corsair is our first customer to take advantage of these engineering masterpieces as they truly are! These technologies will be deployed with our OEM customers over the year, so if you are not the DIY type of person you will still be able to benefit from these new technologies. I do not wish to disclose how we did, but I am confident enough about the performance that we would challenge any liquid or air cooler out there in apples to apples test! (Equal radiator size and fan). The Hydro 50 beats any other “integrated” liquid cooling systems out there by a huge margin."
Whoever does the review, noise levels would be greatly appreciated. My current PC is almost as silent as my iMac thanks to the Zalman CPU fan and Corsair PSU that I'm using (swapping out my 8800GT for a GTX 285 for my main video card did the rest), but I barely want to detect a hum out of the i7 PC I'm building this October. :)

If this thing does the trick, awesome, I'll buy it in a second. Maybe two. :D

Yeah noise levels are becoming more and more important to me as time goes on. My computer room sounds like a freaking data center. :eek:
Yeah noise levels are becoming more and more important to me as time goes on. My computer room sounds like a freaking data center. :eek:
I'm finding that too, lately. I had an ultra high speed Panaflo fan on the CPU in my Opteron rig and it sounded like a jet engine raping a leaf blower and somehow didn't bother me.

Now I'm thinking of replacing all 6 case fans in my Lian Li and need headphones to drown out the stupid GPU when it starts creeping up to 90C under load.
If this thing can perform and maintain a low noise level I'll be all over it. Noise is the number one issue for me know when considering performance CPU coolers.
Yeah noise levels are becoming more and more important to me as time goes on. My computer room sounds like a freaking data center. :eek:

Noise has been a priority for me for a few years now. I suspect that its also priority for quite a few people given the number of noise insulated PC cases and giant HSFs on the market these days. Given two products of similar quality, noise level is generally the thing that will determine what I end up buying so I always appreciate seeing that kind of detailed data in product reviews.
I'm finding that too, lately. I had an ultra high speed Panaflo fan on the CPU in my Opteron rig and it sounded like a jet engine raping a leaf blower and somehow didn't bother me.

Now I'm thinking of replacing all 6 case fans in my Lian Li and need headphones to drown out the stupid GPU when it starts creeping up to 90C under load.

I remember back when 60mm fans that sounded like harrier jets were quite normal. Bugged the crap out of me even then. When I started using giant heatsinks with 120mm fans or whatever, incredible, I could think again. :)
I gotta say, between the new Corsair Obsidian case, their new 850W PSU, the H50 CPU cooler, and some of their DDR3, its looking like I'm going to have a quite a bit of Corsair gear under my desk in a few months...
I gotta say, between the new Corsair Obsidian case, their new 850W PSU, the H50 CPU cooler, and some of their DDR3, its looking like I'm going to have a quite a bit of Corsair gear under my desk in a few months...

Likewise. I was all ready to buy an HAF 932, but after seeing this Obsidian.. I'm going to have to hold off on that. Now, I'm waiting impatiently for them to release these two. On top of that though, I have a 550vx at the moment and am looking into upgrading to a 750hx.

That makes three Corsair products I'm waiting for.
Gimme that! Both the cooler and the case!

I own a HAF-932 and just love the Obsidian case design; very clean, very stylish. Now price-point is the only concern with it. If the price is in the range of the HAF-932 (or cheaper!) that will definitely be something I'll consider in the near future.

I eagerly await some real-world testing results on that cooler, I've been looking at options like this over the past couple of months or so (Domino ALC, etc) as I'm still skittish of going with a full-blown water-cooling rig.

Hopefully some company puts this technology to task in the arena of GPU cooling, as that seems to be the most problematic area for effective/quiet cooling; unless you're willing to go with a water-cooling setup that is. I would really like to replace the jet engines I currently have in my rig with a better cooling alternative.
Likewise. I was all ready to buy an HAF 932, but after seeing this Obsidian.. I'm going to have to hold off on that. Now, I'm waiting impatiently for them to release these two. On top of that though, I have a 550vx at the moment and am looking into upgrading to a 750hx.

That makes three Corsair products I'm waiting for.

Yeah, I love how well laid out the Obsidian is. Very very nice, and a clean wiring job looks like a total breeze in that thing.
I own a HAF-932 and just love the Obsidian case design; very clean, very stylish. Now price-point is the only concern with it. If the price is in the range of the HAF-932 (or cheaper!) that will definitely be something I'll consider in the near future.

Yeah, the $300 pricetag is my only sticking point, but I think I'm just going to bite the bullet and go for it. I've had my Lian Li forever and I think I've squeezed enough value out of it.

So yeah, unless I decide to upgrade from my GTX 285 (unknown until then), the case and the SSD are probably going to be the most expensive parts of the PC I put together in October. Weird. :)
Yeah, the $300 pricetag is my only sticking point, but I think I'm just going to bite the bullet and go for it. I've had my Lian Li forever and I think I've squeezed enough value out of it.

$300? Ouch, I missed that somewhere, though I kinda expected it to be expensive. As much as I like the case, I can't justify that kind of money for one when I could spend the money elsewhere to actually improve the overall computer build (Better/more RAM, higher end processor, etc.). It's one of the reasons I've yet to buy a Lian Li, even though I like their cases as well.

Ah well, kudos to Corsair for a very nice looking case.
$300? Ouch, I missed that somewhere, though I kinda expected it to be expensive. As much as I like the case, I can't justify that kind of money for one when I could spend the money elsewhere to actually improve the overall computer build (Better/more RAM, higher end processor, etc.). It's one of the reasons I've yet to buy a Lian Li, even though I like their cases as well.

Ah well, kudos to Corsair for a very nice looking case.

Yeah, its a lot. I don't mind spending that much on a case if I'm going to keep it for a long time though, and my budgets have gotten higher in the last few years (I think my obnoxious sig is proof enough of that :eek: ).

That said, $300 is a lot to bite off for a case. My Lian Li is one of the best out there and I think it was closer to $220 when I got it. But man, that Obsidian is so well laid out, I don't think I can resist. I've had my Lian Li for about five years, I think I'll milk the Obsidian for at least as long if I get it.
Bleh, no edit button. The video is showing off the Obsidian case, not the H50 cooler.
I'd also like to know why the unit was defective.

Noise stats against other high performance HSFs in the final review would also be appreciated.
I would also like to see how the cooler performs with different speed fans, not just a 1700-2000RPM fan, perhaps something like an 800RPM Scythe.
I would also like to see how the cooler performs with different speed fans, not just a 1700-2000RPM fan, perhaps something like an 800RPM Scythe.

It would be cool to know, but if you weren't sure then you could always put a 2000RPM fan on a speed control and adjust it for yourself until you find a nice noise/heat balance that you are happy with.