Corrupt File?


Aug 26, 2004
I have a XP-M 2600+ @1.536 200x11.5. This runs fairly stable but when I put the vcore up to 1.6 and raise the multiplier to 12, it boots up saying there's a corrupt file. I don't remember what the file was because I wanted to reboot fairly quickly to bring the multiplier down. Any idea whats going on here?

my comp. says the BIOS is corrupt sometimes if i OC too high...i think that's ur problem...
I'm pretty sure it was some windows file...Maybe I reached my limit on the chip? I heard that thye can get to 2.5 on air.
I booted it up and there was just a black screen with writing on top, it said a .sys file was corrupt. I can't remember what it said and I don't think I want to try again to find out ;)
yeah...that happened to me...turned out to be that my overclock was too high, i think...try toning it down....and as you can see, my comp works even tried to reinstall windows :eek:....then i realized that it wasn't faulty :p
does it only happen when u raise the v-core/multiplier? if so, then yes, it can't OC that might want to try better cooling, dunno what you have
It's a common symptom of an unstable overclock. Many times you'll get a missing NTLDR or system hive error or the like. Just take it as a sign you need to do some more tweaking. Try increasing the CPU core voltage to see if you can get some stability, or lower your overclock to more stable levels. :)
Alex41290 said:
does it only happen when u raise the v-core/multiplier? if so, then yes, it can't OC that might want to try better cooling, dunno what you have

It only happens when I raise the multiplier....I have a zalman 7000 a-alcu
Cattata said:
It only happens when I raise the multiplier....I have a zalman 7000 a-alcu
every athlon-xp i have seen that used on has had horrible preformance.. never going past 1.55v with acceptable temps.. at 1.65 my friends mobo overheated to point of the shutdown temp

i run at 2.5 ghtz at 1.675v w/ a slk-800 with 80 mm enermax; it handles 2.6 ghtz at higher voltage but it isnt worth the extra cooling.. i like quiet at 2.5 ghtz
4b5eN+EE said:
why not try it again and tell us what file......

Well I tried again and got a different error. It was this blue screen saying that the system is being shut down to prevent damage to the computer then it said "PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA" Then it said "Tech Info: 0x0000005060 xf79f6108 0x00000001 0x86fbf818 0x00000000

For temps I get under 40 idle and around 44 load.
Cattata said:
Well I tried again and got a different error. It was this blue screen saying that the system is being shut down to prevent damage to the computer then it said "PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA" Then it said "Tech Info: 0x0000005060 xf79f6108 0x00000001 0x86fbf818 0x00000000

For temps I get under 40 idle and around 44 load.
thats a memory error o_O
So...bad RAM? I figured my RAM is bad because I'm ghetting all sorts of nasty errors, and Prime95 doesn't last a second until it finds an error. I would try memtest but I don't have a floppy drive. I have a gig of Corsair pc3200. Should I RMA it or something?
search for GoldenRAM or Golden Memory or something of the can burn it to a CD and its like can also find something that will convert the file for the floppy to an ISO image for cd burning....

but yeah, if u find errors, RMA it....corsair has lifetime warranty...
theres a cd v ersion of memtest i belive... if there isnt burn a gentoo cd that has memtest