Correct VCore voltage for amd 4400?

that logic makes no sense.
tccd's optimal timings are 2.5-3-3.. hell, it's rated 250mhz at 2.5-3-3-8 out of samsung's factory
yeah, the whole point is that TCCD is meant to run best under higher latencies and higher clock speeds, that's how you will get the most performance out of it. Of course it won't overclock for shit running 2s for the latency, hence your current situation.
but i am not trying to overclock it..i am just trying to get it to run stable at the rated 2-2-2-5 at 400 speed.
because my memory isn't that good and i'm lazy, your basic problem is that you can't run 4 sticks at 2-2-2, yes?
well, from what i've seenm you've tried just about everything but switching dimm order. TBH though, you'll never notice the difference between 2-2-2 and 2.5-3-3 except in benches
Antonius said:
any thoughts on OCZs titanium series? they have a matched pair of 2 1g sticks rated at 2-3-2-5 at 400mhz.. i am thinking i should eaisly be able to get 2gb at 400 mhz using the 2 sticks instead of 4 and get 2-3-2-5 and 1T...thoughts?

I own the OCZ (2 x 1GB) Platinum running the default 2-3-2-5 at 1T command rate and have no problems in the SN25P ;)

Here's the link:

That OCZ is exacly what I want to change to at exactly those timings.

On another note...I was playing Everquest and was noticing I was moving super fast. Everything in game moved much faster than normal. I opened Everest Home Edition and was checking the CPU and it shows the CPU FSB and CPU speed at 201mhz and 2211 respectively as it should..but every few seconds the FSB jumps to anywhere between 5000 and 15000 showing a 12000% OC and the CPU speed jumps accordingly. Is this a bug in the software or is maybe something wrong with the CPU?
well hopefully all this is moot. i have ordered 2gb of the ocz 1gb 2-3-2-5 modules and an asus sli premium to replace my deluxe and a new cpu. NO PROBLEMS THIS TIME! OR I SHOOT SOMETHING!
Antonius said:
That OCZ is exacly what I want to change to at exactly those timings.

On another note...I was playing Everquest and was noticing I was moving super fast. Everything in game moved much faster than normal. I opened Everest Home Edition and was checking the CPU and it shows the CPU FSB and CPU speed at 201mhz and 2211 respectively as it should..but every few seconds the FSB jumps to anywhere between 5000 and 15000 showing a 12000% OC and the CPU speed jumps accordingly. Is this a bug in the software or is maybe something wrong with the CPU?

That's god being nice to you.
Question for Antonius...

I didn't notice any specific post where you said that you cut back to 2x512 and tested like that for a few days without crashing. I know you said you installed just 2 DIMM's and checked the timing settings, but you didn't state that you actually verified using 2 DIMM's instead of 4 resolved the problem.

So did you test extensively with 2x512 to verify that resolves the problem before you bought another 2GB of RAM?
yeah I did..2 runs fine as does 4 at 333. I replaced the motherboard anyway so..(am replacing I should say)