Core Duo anyone?

Hito Bahadur

[H]ard|DCer of the Month - December 2006
Jul 8, 2004

Doing a little quick planning and wondering if anyone has production numbers on a core duo....Specifically some PPD numbers with 2 instances running.
Hito Bahadur said:

Doing a little quick planning and wondering if anyone has production numbers on a core duo....Specifically some PPD numbers with 2 instances running.

I'd say if you have a Dothan, add 7-10%, and double it.
Yeah, basically what I was figuring, was wondering, with the way the Dual Pentiums are glued together whether there was a performance hit for dual cores.
T2300 (1.66) folding next to me..

timeless big wu - p1152, ~9 min per frame
regular wu - p2106, ~30 min per frame

~190 ppd currently

Only numbers I have right now..normally I have it folding on only one core (gets kind of hot), so timless big wu. Averages ~99 ppd, 8 min something for all of them.
assuming you have a laptop since you are saying it gets hot. Thanks for the info.
27 minutes (2106) for my 2.0 Ghz Turion I am currently typing on.....Interesting...Guess I'll figure it at roughly equivalent to an 3800 X2....
Oh hey..look at that. There ARE desktop varients of this...I forgot those were out.

If you're going to pick it up for the desktop, then overclock that sucker! haha

I wonder if the numbers will be different at stock speed..
Good question. I priced it out to just under $500 for a basic naked folder.

T2300/Mobo with integrated video/180watt PSU/512MB DDR2/30GB HDD.....
I tried to find the link, can't. OCAU or OCForums has a thread on this, pretty impressive numbers.

I'm ordering a 2.0 Duo notebook tomorrow if you want to wait and find out.

Edit: The Intel® Core™2 Duo processor <<< What is Duo2???

Bought my wife a Dell 2.8Gz Dual Core Desktop for about $600. It's an awesome folding rig. It's been up for about 3 days.

According to EMIII here are the stats:
Core 1 - p991 - 8.7 PPH - 209 PPD
Core 2 - p2095 - 5 PPH - 120 PPD

I don't have any other boxes running those same types of units, but have some other single proc boxes:
3GHz P4 - p2504 (Gbgromacs) - 5.1 PPH - 122 PPD
2.1GHz AMD - p2505 - 4.75 - PPH - 114 - PPD (this is an overclocked older mobile cpu)
2.4GHz P4 - p993 - 10.5PPH - 252 PPD - Dang, give me some more of these units!

You can buy the older generation Intel 2.66GHz Dual Cores for about $125 from Newegg. Combine with a $50 MB (includes integrated video, LAN, USB and takes DIMM memory) and you got a pretty nice folding rig in my book.
Some info:

amdx2 3800 stock, p2119 tpf-46.32, ppd-126
amdx2 3800 stock, p2055 tpf-24, ppd-113

intell 2.8 dual, p991 tpf-7:18, ppd-195
intell 2.8 dual, p994 tpf-6:58, ppd-268

intell 805 2.66, p992 tpf-8:29, ppd-220
intell 805 2.66, p2505 tpf-20:38, ppd-139

mikeki said:
You can buy the older generation Intel 2.66GHz Dual Cores for about $125 from Newegg. Combine with a $50 MB (includes integrated video, LAN, USB and takes DIMM memory) and you got a pretty nice folding rig in my book.

Core Duo and Dual Core are totally different. The focus of my recent threads have been low voltage folders. Currently, the Core duo is the best performer per watt solution. The Geode NX is the cheapest lowest power solution.

Even though the Core Duo is more expensive than dual core solutions out there, the price per watt makes it a better answer. At $0.135 per KWH for my power, if I figure a 3 year life-cycle of my hardware, every watt difference is worth $5.50 of initial purchase price (not included present worth....etc.)

There's over a 100 watt difference in power between using a dual core and core duo from what I've been able to dig up, which means the core duo will be $300-400 cheaper to run, not to mention the Yonah is a better performer than a Dual Core. So much better PPD/$.
Hito Bahadur said:
Core Duo and Dual Core are totally different.
There's over a 100 watt difference in power between using a dual core and core duo from what I've been able to dig up, which means the core duo will be $300-400 cheaper to run, not to mention the Yonah is a better performer than a Dual Core. So much better PPD/$.
I totally understand. My goal was to give some performance numbers on a dual core system.

Also, if can share pointers to any articles on the Core Duo under load power numbers it would be fascinating reading.
Gets confusing if you add in the unknown QMD return/if Duo is recognized as what ever is needed for QMD's. Not sure if your after PPD/Watt ratio, or just cheap electric usage regardless of output.
THL3 said:
Some info:

amdx2 3800 stock, p2119 tpf-46.32, ppd-126
amdx2 3800 stock, p2055 tpf-24, ppd-113

intell 2.8 dual, p991 tpf-7:18, ppd-195
intell 2.8 dual, p994 tpf-6:58, ppd-268

intell 805 2.66, p992 tpf-8:29, ppd-220
intell 805 2.66, p2505 tpf-20:38, ppd-139

So you're saying a dual core 805 at stock gets 359 PPD?
Why does that seem a bit much?
mwarps said:
So you're saying a dual core 805 at stock gets 359 PPD?
Why does that seem a bit much?

Because the p99x are DGromacs and get a big boost from SSE2/SSE3.

My X2's fold them at around 4 PpHpG.
My MP's fold them at around 2 PpHpG.

Luck....... :D
mwarps said:
So you're saying a dual core 805 at stock gets 359 PPD?
Why does that seem a bit much?
Becuase the protiens shown are tigerbitten said...the 99x protiens will fold in under 20 hours on most machines while to protiens listed on the amd's usually run at least 40-50 hours....and anyone running the 99x protiens will see a good boost in ppd.
Another datapoint we haven't seen:
Pentium M - 1.5GHz - p2053 - 33:58 per frame - 3.87 PPH - 92.8 PPD

Not sure if a Core Duo would simply double this, but I would imagine it would.
mikeki said:
Another datapoint we haven't seen:
Pentium M - 1.5GHz - p2053 - 33:58 per frame - 3.87 PPH - 92.8 PPD

Not sure if a Core Duo would simply double this, but I would imagine it would.
well that is about what my P-M 1.5 is doing it at...i dont know how this help but there it is :)
Supposedly the Yonah (core Duo) had it's SSE instructions improved, pentium-Ms absolutely hate Tinker's btw (I'm on a P-M 1.8 at the moment), but my impression was that in general Yonah should be 7-10% better at same clock speed (in general) (basically per core for FAH).
That about the right range for that protien.

3.87 PpH @ 1.5 Ghz = 2.58 PpHpG.

My X2 @ 2.4 Ghz folds a frame in around 20:30 for 2.65 PpHpG.
My MP @ 2.0 Ghz folds a frame in around 26:30 for 2.48 PpHpG.

Luck......... :D

Data on P-M (1.8Ghz):

991 - DGROMACS - 99Points - 10 Min/Frame - 142PPD - 3.3PpHpGhz
993 - DGROMACS - 122Points - 9 Min/Frame - 195PPD - 4.5PpHpGhz
2057 - GROMACS - 159Points - 22 Min/Frame - 104PPD - 2.4PpHpGhz
2056 - GROMACS - 192Points - 31 Min/Frame - 89PPD - 2.1PpHpGhz
2504 - GBGROMACS - 195Poitns - 23 Min/Frame - 122PPD - 2.8PpHpGhz

So, yeah, guessing that the Core Duo is about the same as an X2 at the same frequency.
Now I have to hook up my Kill-a-watt meter to my X2 to see what it is actually drawing.... One of my problems is that I have all the parts (memory specifically) for more X2s unlike the Core Duo.
Hito Bahadur said:
Now I have to hook up my Kill-a-watt meter to my X2 to see what it is actually drawing.....

My X2's are drawing @ 145 watts.
My MP's are drawing @ 180 watts.
My Opterons are drawing @ 365 watts....... :eek:

Luck...... :D
What type of X2? overclocked? What other gear on it (video card, # of HDD, etc....)
Hito Bahadur said:
What type of X2? overclocked? What other gear on it (video card, # of HDD, etc....)

4200+'s with a 10% overclock.
2 gigs Corsair TwinX memory.
MSI K8MGM2-FID, GeForce6150 MoBo.
WD800 80 Gig SATAII hard drive.
480 watt PSU. <- should have got a smaller one.

All times five.

Luck.......... :D
I'm figuring the core duo will come in around 80 watts. I would plan on using 1GB of memory. I haven't seen above 500MB useage on my X2 folder.
Hito Bahadur said:
I'm figuring the core duo will come in around 80 watts. I would plan on using 1GB of memory. I haven't seen above 500MB useage on my X2 folder.

What PSU would you use with a dedicated folding machine (onboard video, onboard everything) that only needed 80 watts?
What PSU would use for similiar system but based on an Pentium D 805?

Seasonic 250W MicroATX - $40 + $7 Shipping - Kinda pricey but nice quality.
Fortron Source 300W Micro ATX - Same price as above. I like the seasonic better.
SeaSonic PRECISE-300W - $25 + 6 - Least expensive name brand...
SPARKLE ATX-300PN - 24 Pin - $30 + 7 - Was hoping for a little better brand, but it does have a 120mm fan so it may be a little quiet.
FSP Group (Fortron Source) ATX300-PA version 2.0 - $23.50 + 7

Other ideas?
edit: added a couple of 24 pin PSU's.
Tough call. I like all 3. Frankly, I bet all 3 could power the Pentium D also as long as you are using integrated video.

edit: although it probably isn't required, it is probably better to get a 24-pin PSU if the Mobo is 24-pin.