Copied at Command-line, but not showing in Windows?


Limp Gawd
Oct 12, 2004
I'm doing some coursework for school... and it wants us to use basic DOS commands in Windows to copy a text file on the desktop into a folder on the desktop. No problem there... I've been using the DOS command line since I was 10. Also, this is a virtual machine (Virtualbox) running Windows 7.... I didn't think that would matter, but I figured I'd include that bit of info. Anyways, I go into the elevated command prompt (admin), and CD my way to the directory (the desktop), and then copy the text file to the folder on the desktop. I did "copy file2.txt \folderondesktop" and it copied successfully. I went into the folder in Windows just by double clicking it on the desktop, but no files are there at all. When I goto the directory in the command line and hit "dir"... it doesn't list them either, even though it says file copied successfully. What am I missing?? Thanks guys...:confused:
What you just did is you copied "file2.txt" file and renamed it to the folderondesktop file (without extension) to the root of your current drive :)

Why, I hope you have already figured out.

Correct command is "copy file2.txt desktopfolder" assuming you have already created new folder on the desktop with that name. If not, the file will be copied on desktop and named "desktopfolder" (without extension). Back in the old days I have done same mistakes :D
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Yeah... I got it.. sorry that I didn't post back. I posted that, and then immediately realized I was having an "idiot moment." Hey! ..we all have those times ;)