Cooling laptop


Limp Gawd
Jun 18, 2004
My 600M runs hot. I don't know why. I found if I kept it tilted on a book or something, it'll run a few degrees cooler. My fan on the bottom seems kind of dusty so how do I go about cleaning it?
Buy a bottle of compressed can air and spray it into the fan when its working, should help get rid of the dust.
madflava54 said:
Wouldn't the dust just go into the system then?

Probably... but hopefully it'll break it up enough that it'll come out, too.
Unless you think opening your laptop up is a safer way ... but i wouldnt recommend it. I do the compressed air thing all the time with My HP ZX5000 and the dust comes right out. If you spray it when the fan isnt on, then you may have a problem with the dust getting into the system.