Cooling for B3 Q6600, Arctic Freezer Xtreme or Sunbeam Contact Freezer?


Jul 9, 2004
Hey guys, right now I'm running a Q6600 B3 that takes 1.4v to go up to 3.2ghz with my Arctic Freezer Pro 7, but the core temps go up to 70c under prim95.

I'm looking to cool down the temp and maybe getting a bit better o/c, two coolers are within my budget, the Freezer Xtreme and the Sunbeam Contact Freezer($5 more expensive). I know TRUE is supposedly the best but it's way too much money.Personally, I'm not looking to lap the heatsink or spend anymore money on another fan.

I've read all the reviews I can but I've only found one review pitting them against each other and not even at the same noise level, so I wanted some user experience and opinions

Which one would yield me a better O/C with reasonable noise levels? With my old Freezer Pro 7 and Q fan on my Asus p5B deluxe, it would be nice and quite during idle and automatically kick up the fan during load, which i'm ok with.

Anyone have any experiences with these two? or should I just not bother and stick to my temps and 3.2ghz?
I 2nd Core Contact Freezer. I had mine no my q6600 oc'ed to 3.6 @ 1.35v and never saw load higher than 62c (prime95 or orthos).

In real life tests (gaming, encoding) I never saw higher than 53-55c.
I though it was common knowledge that an AC7 is not the best choice for a quad..especially not a B3

They are marginally better than a stock cooler...
I see a lot of ppl using thier mobo software to get thier temps instead of core temp. The mobo software almost always reads lower... works better if we are comparing apples to apples when taking a temp reading. The AC97 is an ok cooler but by no means the best choice for a B3 quad.
I have the Sunbeam cooler. It's a great cooler, but I have a G0 Q6600.

Still, I highly reccommend it. I also had the Xig S1283. That one is good too, but my Sunbeam kept my quad a little cooler by 2C.