Cooling an Antec TX635


Supreme [H]ardness
Jun 7, 2000
I've got a new computer (well, the parts) coming and I'm trying to figure out how to cool it quietly. Anyone have experience with the Antex TX635? How loud is the included 120mm fan? I'm considering replacing it with a big Delta and running it on less voltage.

BTW, here is a link to the case:

I'm going to put Panaflo L1s into the front spots, but what about the ones on the door? It has space for a 92mm over the CPU and an 80mm below that. Wouldn't those fans seriously screw up air flow?

Also, what would be a good 92mm fan for my XP-90C? I've got a couple 92mm Deltas, but they are a bit loud at 12V...CPU is a 90nm 3200+
Got the Panaflos in the front and side. Computer isn't finished yet, so no temps yet.

The stock 120mm from Antec seems like a nice fan, so I'm leaving that for now.

The fan duct doesn't match up with the CPU socket well, should I make a duct?