Coolest looking game ever!!!


Limp Gawd
Oct 1, 2005

Found this! Take a look at the intel and the faq. From what I understand theres going to be a sort of demo in the form of mods released for Half Life 2 and BF2 and then it will be released as a stand alone next year. This game has too many cool features to list them all. To sum it up: this could be the best game of 2006.
200,000 units in real time.......shit

Co-op for 128+ players.....shit

This game will be awesome.

btw sorry if i didn't resize, since be resizing it won't have that "WOW" effect.

EDIT: Don't steal bandwidth by hotlinking images from other sites. - Lethal
This game looks awesome. Let's hope it's not a HL2 only mod. Hopefully it'll be it's own game and those of us who won't support Gabe and his gheyness can enjoy it.
Well it looks like they already have Barqs lined up as a sponsor :p

Sounds ambitious, but I hope they can keep up with all those bullet points. And I am not all that hot over Reality Engine. Way too much Shiney Plastic Mapping... er I mean normal/bump mapping.
Moose777 said:
This game looks awesome. Let's hope it's not a HL2 only mod. Hopefully it'll be it's own game and those of us who won't support Gabe and his gheyness can enjoy it.

They're supposedly doing a mod for Battlefield 2.

It'll be a nice intro to the Ageia card, I'm really hoping it takes.
well...from what i can see, its gonna be a full game, a HL2 mod, and a BF2 mod...
4b5eN+EE said:
well...from what i can see, its gonna be a full game, a HL2 mod, and a BF2 mod...

A quick check of the FAQ reveals

You mention Mods; is this project a Mod?
No this project is not a mod, we have:

1. 1944 : D-Day : Operation Overlord

This is a full commercial game being developed using the Reality Engine.

2. 1944 Mods

These are free mods. We are using mods to test and ensure our AI code is portable and works well on other engines, and also to provide a big taste of our game to people before they buy. Not quite a demo, not quite a standalone mod, this is a totally new concept in games development.

So what games are you modding?
Half-Life 2 is our first mod, then Battlefield 2, and we hope to follow this with an Unreal Engine mod. We may use other engines if we have enough time.

So why would I buy the full game if I can get the mods for free?
The mods will be limited to small area maps, and will not feature the same number of units, weapons, vehicles or other goodies that will make the main game so cool.

If you like the mods you will love the game and should feel confident about your purchase after playing the mods.
I think it looks great. From the models it looks like they are going for real life. I cant wait.
i don't know.. i like WW2 games.. then again.. i'm a big WW2 history fan.. i don't know.. WW2 is so interesting..

It's another WWII game?

The engine seems to support a number of rendering features, but the artwork looks bland and uninspired.
The WW2 simulation I'D like to see is a naval simulator in the same vein as the great naval battle series. Could do some fantastic stuff imho with today's technologies. The past few naval simulators have been decent but not stellar with the possible exception of silent hunter 3.
(Fighting steel, enigma:rising tide, ect; were decent tho)
I'm looking forward to this game so much now, thanks for pointing it out :).

For all of you saying "another wwII game yawn" do you not understand we have yet to get ONE, just ONE freaking realistic wwII game?

Almost every single bloody wwII fps game is almost always "linear" and arcadey, we have yet to get one non-linear wwII game that lets you basically go anywhere, have rpg elements/rising ranks, etc.
Coolest looking game ever? umm you didnt look very hard.

Supreme Commander WILL be the best game of 2006, not to mention being extremely original.

link to info/pics IGN Supreme Commander Stuff

How's it original?

Many RTS games look similar to it, I REALLY hope they put in some elevation, etc that was one of the main things that made TA fun to me.

Best thing it has going for it so far is the scale and size of the world/units.
i don't understand these "yawn another WWII".. how about you just dont post?? and quit crapping on other peoples excitment...

as state before.. i think it will be cool.. but i'm a big WW2 history nut anyway..
RancidWAnnaRIot said:
i don't understand these "yawn another WWII".. how about you just dont post?? and quit crapping on other peoples excitment...

as state before.. i think it will be cool.. but i'm a big WW2 history nut anyway..

another post bitching about people posting a different opinion then theirs

oh and the game
same weapons
same vehicles
same units
Coolest looking game ever? umm you didnt look very hard.

Supreme Commander WILL be the best game of 2006, not to mention being extremely original.

link to info/pics IGN Supreme Commander Stuff

This game could very well claim the title of Best Game Ever.

Of course, the previous holder is Total Annihilation...

RancidWAnnaRIot said:
i don't understand these "yawn another WWII".. how about you just dont post?? and quit crapping on other peoples excitment...

as state before.. i think it will be cool.. but i'm a big WW2 history nut anyway..

There's a lot to be said for originality.

I've stayed away from WWII games for the most part; I never played BF1942 or Call of Duty of MOHAA or any of the other games that some of these guys are probably so very tired of. I've been waiting for a killer game to come out...if these guys have as much skill as they do ambition, this one might be worth playing.
Stiler said:
How's it original?

Many RTS games look similar to it, I REALLY hope they put in some elevation, etc that was one of the main things that made TA fun to me.

Best thing it has going for it so far is the scale and size of the world/units.

It's a natural progression from TA, which was about as original as an RTS could be in the days of WarCraft and Command and Conquer. And seeing as nearly every RTS made since TA follows after either WC or C&C (or flops miserably) in some way, this one is going to feel very original for the majority of gamers since most of them have never played TA.

"F*** paper/rock/scissors."
I would love to able to be part of a simulated D-Day such as this one. It would be rather interesting to be able to be part of the invasion from different countries on the allied side, IE Canada, Australia, US, and be able to land on there respective beaches / cliffs, and see how operation overlord unfolded from each landing groups perspective.