CoolerMaster HAF 922 filters?


Aug 28, 2009
Anyone have any advice or examples regarding dust filters for this case? The front air filter is hard to get to, and the side panel have NO filter at all (I bought the optional 200mm side fan).

I wish there was a magnetic frame that would fit over the hole so I can use it to hold down a sheer piece of cloth I bought from WalMart.
I'm actually planning to add some Lian-Li style front panel latches to my 922 soonish. The screws holding the front panel on are the only thing I don't like about this case. In the mean time, I'm using that Cyber Clean putty stuff to remove the dust that the front and side grids catch, so I don't blow it further into the case, requiring more frequent front removal:(
As for the side, window screening between the side panel and an inside fan would help a bit.
I love the case, but it's getting dirty real quick! It's not in a spot where I can take out and clean every once in a while easily. Maybe I need to relocate my desk...
Yeah I'm a little disappointed in the front filter myself; I love the case but I'm tired of wiping the caked in dust off the front "grill".

I'm starting to think that the best way to clean the front filter would be to vacuum it from the outside using the hand tools off our floor vac. :eek:
A company called demciflex makes a great magnetic filter that is designed for the HAF 922. The front intakes are all micromesh filtered, but you have to remove the front panel to access them. The side needs a filter though. I think you can buy them at Microcenter. Here is the link.

